So i have an issue with once the bots has completed two runs it just sits out the front of the instance eventually going afk and dcing me from bnet.. the profile is not too bad other than that, misses a few packs and gnarl root is a pain in the ass with the silence.. But with a 798 DH on heroic EB is very easy and a run takes between 6-9 mins
Tested on mythic and not as many glowing orbs drop as compared to heroic and the time it takes is a couple minutes longer and id have to say and increased chance for death due to gnarlroot and the silence if left unattended, when i watched the bot gnarlroot was aggroed into 3-4 packs of mobs and the silence is pretty killer.
Tested on mythic and not as many glowing orbs drop as compared to heroic and the time it takes is a couple minutes longer and id have to say and increased chance for death due to gnarlroot and the silence if left unattended, when i watched the bot gnarlroot was aggroed into 3-4 packs of mobs and the silence is pretty killer.
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