I've just ran some tests on this profile - An Alliance BM Hunter, ilvl 650 -
Kills:422 (206 p/h)
Deaths: 0 (0 p/h)
Loots:752 (321 p/h)
BotBase: Singular.
Income: 7 Greens - 150g+ to vendor, 332 Mangy Pelts 96g, 27 Uncleft Hooves 174g, 400 (Approx) Sumptuous Fur (AH or proffs... server dependant), 650 (Approx) Raw beast hide, 209 Raw clefthoof meat, 17 Worn Flat tooth 24g.
Not a bad haul, as noted above - This profile does pull the Gorian Beast-Lasher, aswell as one Gorian caster. I dont think this is avoidable though, due to their spawns. An easy kill as a hunter, other classes of 630+ wont notice the NPC.
Did not test the flight capabilities due to already being in Nagrand. Nor did I check if it vendors properly (A lot of bag space).
Thanks for a solid profile.