Flew to location, accepted one quest then stopped bot.
[Profile Message]: Flying to The Arboretum.
[Profile Message]: You're at The Arboretum. Picking up any available dailies.
[Profile Message]: Getting Elder Anli's Dailies.
[Profile Message]: There is nothing more the bot can do for you. Switch to AutoAngler and get the last two dailies!
I started from Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Just said Waiting for object to spawn at Elder Anil's Dailies
after finishing the quests Monkey Mischief - Quest - World of Warcraft and The Big Kah-Oona - Quest - World of Warcraft it goes out of the cave and tries to mount. Problem is that it should make a few more steps to be able to mount (although it would appear that he is outside of the cave, he is still inside in a no mounting area)
it does not attempt to do Just a Flesh Wound - Quest - World of Warcraft , although I have cloths, bandages
Line 556 in your profile needs the second = removed.
Otherwise you end up in a confused loop bouncing between fishing spots.PHP:<While Condition="(GetItemCount(74866) <= 10)" >
So far the rest worked well. Thanks!