[23:16:44:126] Goal: Interacting with Mob Id:40190 1 Times for quest:The Bears Up There
[23:16:44:166] Climbing Tree
[23:16:44:215] Activity: Interacting with - Climbing Tree
[23:16:44:231] interact: 0x2DC3F5AC
[23:16:44:258] interact done: 0x2DC3F5AC
[23:16:50:736] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4354\Quest Behaviors\MountHyjal\BearsUpThere.cs'
[23:16:51:581] [BearsUpThere] ==================================================================
[23:16:51:582] [BearsUpThere] ==================================================================
[23:16:51:582] Stop called!
[23:16:51:698] Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
[23:16:51:698] Thread was being aborted.
[23:16:51:712] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[23:16:51:713] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[23:17:02:209] Start/Stop button pressed.
[23:17:02:219] Starting the bot!
[23:17:02:251] Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True
[23:17:02:409] Changing current profile to 80-82 Mount Hyjal Questing 0.90 by Bobby53
[23:17:02:473] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[23:17:02:473] Cleared POI
[23:17:06:995] Picking up Fact-Finding Mission : 25740
[23:17:06:995] Goal: Picking up Fact-Finding Mission
[23:17:06:998] Goal: Running: InteractWith
[23:17:07:549] Picking up The Bears Up There : 25462
[23:17:07:549] Goal: Picking up The Bears Up There
[23:17:07:921] Start/Stop button pressed.
[23:17:07:930] Stopping the bot!
[23:17:07:930] Stop called!
[23:17:08:39] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOneNative(SafeWaitHandle waitHandle, UInt32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext)
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int64 timeout, Boolean exitContext)
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext)
at BlueMagic.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.GetReturnValues(String lua, String scriptName)
at Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.GetReturnVal[T](String lua, UInt32 retVal)
at Styx.Logic.Combat.WoWSpell.get_Cooldown()
at Styx.Logic.Combat.SpellManager.CanCast(WoWSpell spell, WoWUnit target, Boolean checkRange, Boolean checkMoving)
at Styx.Logic.Combat.SpellManager.CanCast(WoWSpell spell, WoWUnit target, Boolean checkRange)
at Styx.Logic.Combat.SpellManager.CanCast(String spellName, WoWUnit target, Boolean checkRange)
at Styx.Logic.Combat.SpellManager.CanCast(String spellName, Boolean checkRange)
at Styx.Logic.Combat.SpellManager.CanCast(String spellName)
at Hera.SpellsMan.Spell.CanCast(String spellName) in c:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4354\CustomClasses\Default Druid\SpellsMan\Spells.cs:line 59
at Hera.Helpers.ClassHelper.get_CanUseTravelForm() in c:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4354\CustomClasses\Default Druid\Class Specific\Misc\ClassHelper.cs:line 349
at Hera.Fpsware.Pulse() in c:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4354\CustomClasses\Default Druid\Class Specific\Misc\Druid.cs:line 79
at Styx.WoWPulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[23:17:08:40] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[23:18:34:697] Start/Stop button pressed.
[23:18:34:706] Starting the bot!
[23:18:34:908] Changing current profile to 80-82 Mount Hyjal Questing 0.90 by Bobby53
[23:18:35:146] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[23:18:35:146] Cleared POI
[23:18:40:263] Picking up Fact-Finding Mission : 25740
[23:18:40:263] Goal: Picking up Fact-Finding Mission
[23:18:40:267] Goal: Running: InteractWith
[23:18:40:986] Picking up The Bears Up There : 25462
[23:18:40:986] Goal: Picking up The Bears Up There
[23:18:41:18] Goal: Doing quest: The Bears Up There
[23:18:41:411] Goal: Turning in The Bears Up There
[23:18:41:411] Changed POI to: Type: QuestTurnIn
[23:18:42:936] Mounting: Green Wind Rider
[23:18:45:647] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[23:18:45:648] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[23:18:45:648] Loading Kalimdor_34_22
[23:18:46:658] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0]. Checking stuck.
[23:18:48:564] interact: 0x2DC09A88
[23:18:48:565] interact done: 0x2DC09A88
[23:18:51:187] Choosing Treegrip Pants.
[23:18:54:362] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed #2
[23:18:54:362] Cleared POI
[23:18:54:800] Picking up Smashing Through Ashes : 25490
[23:18:54:800] Goal: Picking up Smashing Through Ashes
[23:18:54:801] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[23:18:55:318] interact: 0x2DC09A88
[23:18:55:318] interact done: 0x2DC09A88
[23:18:59:77] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[23:18:59:77] Cleared POI
[23:18:59:686] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(25490) && !IsQuestCompleted(25490)' @ line 1782
[23:19:00:292] Goal: Flying to <4783.204, -1593.487, 1306.378>
[23:19:28:819] Activity: Setting Raging Firestorm at 15 yards as your target
[23:19:28:819] Dismounting for combat.
[23:19:28:819] Stop and dismount...
[23:19:29:197] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Raging Firestorm
[23:19:29:391] Activity: Pulling
[23:19:29:395] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[23:19:29:395] Loading Kalimdor_35_22
[23:19:30:78] New pull target Raging Firestorm (80), resetting pull timer.
[23:19:30:114] Spell_C::CastSpell(768, 0, 0xF5309C03003325BD, 0) [2578]
[23:19:30:160] -Cat Form
[23:19:30:624] New combat target Raging Firestorm, resetting combat timer.
[23:19:30:628] Unloading tiles!
[23:19:30:632] Loading Kalimdor_34_22
[23:19:30:991] interact: 0x2E01DC14
[23:19:31:26] interact done: 0x2E01DC14
[23:19:31:30] Activity: Combat
[23:19:31:716] Backup a wee bit, too close to our target
[23:19:31:738] Spell_C::CastSpell(5217, 0, 0xF5309C03003325BD, 0) [2579]
[23:19:31:740] -Tiger's Fury
[23:19:31:963] Spell_C::CastSpell(5217, 0, 0xF5309C03003325BD, 0) [2580]
[23:19:32:228] Spell_C::CastSpell(1822, 0, 0xF5309C03003325BD, 0) [2581]
[23:19:32:230] -Rake
[23:19:33:547] interact: 0x2E01DC14
[23:19:33:569] interact done: 0x2E01DC14
[23:19:33:677] Spell_C::CastSpell(52610, 0, 0xF5309C03003325BD, 0) [2582]
[23:19:33:704] -Savage Roar
[23:19:34:959] Spell_C::CastSpell(33876, 0, 0xF5309C03003325BD, 0) [2583]
[23:19:34:961] -Mangle (Cat)
[23:19:35:807] interact: 0x2E01DC14
[23:19:35:807] interact done: 0x2E01DC14
[23:19:36:126] Spell_C::CastSpell(33876, 0, 0xF5309C03003325BD, 0) [2584]
[23:19:37:611] Spell_C::CastSpell(22570, 0, 0xF5309C03003325BD, 0) [2585]
[23:19:37:642] -Maim
[23:19:38:169] interact: 0x2E01DC14
[23:19:38:194] interact done: 0x2E01DC14
[23:19:39:874] Cleared POI - Reason POI is dead from Combat
[23:19:39:874] Cleared POI
[23:19:40:259] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[23:19:40:259] Loading Kalimdor_34_23
[23:19:40:415] Loading Kalimdor_35_22
[23:19:40:779] Loading Kalimdor_35_23
[23:19:41:708] [STUCK] Relative speed check failed [0]. Checking stuck.
[23:19:43:990] Goal: Goal: Kill Charbringer x 8
[23:19:43:991] Activity: Moving to hotspot
[23:19:44:676] Activity: Moving towards Charbringer
[23:19:56:130] Activity: Setting Charbringer at 26 yards as your target
[23:19:56:458] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Charbringer
[23:19:56:787] Activity: Pulling
[23:19:56:790] New pull target Charbringer (80), resetting pull timer.
[23:19:56:800] Moving closer to Charbringer
[23:19:56:811] Spell_C::CastSpell(49376, 0, 0xF5309D9000339758, 0) [2586]
[23:19:56:812] -Feral Charge (Cat)
[23:19:57:648] Moving closer to Charbringer
[23:19:57:839] Spell_C::CastSpell(16857, 0, 0xF5309D9000339758, 0) [2587]
[23:19:57:869] -Faerie Fire (Feral)
[23:19:58:163] Activity: Pulling Charbringer now.
[23:19:58:297] New combat target Charbringer, resetting combat timer.
[23:19:58:302] interact: 0x2E01C388
[23:19:58:330] interact done: 0x2E01C388
[23:19:58:335] Activity: Combat
[23:19:59:185] Spell_C::CastSpell(1822, 0, 0xF5309D9000339758, 0) [2588]
[23:19:59:216] -Rake
[23:20:00:502] interact: 0x2E01C388
[23:20:00:526] interact done: 0x2E01C388
[23:20:00:596] Spell_C::CastSpell(1822, 0, 0xF5309D9000339758, 0) [2589]
[23:20:01:999] Spell_C::CastSpell(52610, 0, 0xF5309D9000339758, 0) [2590]
[23:20:02:1] -Savage Roar
[23:20:02:649] interact: 0x2E01C388
[23:20:02:668] interact done: 0x2E01C388
[23:20:03:357] Spell_C::CastSpell(5217, 0, 0xF5309D9000339758, 0) [2591]
[23:20:03:386] -Tiger's Fury
[23:20:03:816] Spell_C::CastSpell(33876, 0, 0xF5309D9000339758, 0) [2592]
[23:20:03:843] -Mangle (Cat)
[23:20:05:148] interact: 0x2E01C388
[23:20:05:174] interact done: 0x2E01C388
[23:20:05:339] Spell_C::CastSpell(33876, 0, 0xF5309D9000339758, 0) [2593]
[23:20:06:875] Spell_C::CastSpell(33876, 0, 0xF5309D9000339758, 0) [2594]
[23:20:07:457] interact: 0x2E01C388
[23:20:07:464] interact done: 0x2E01C388
[23:20:08:372] Spell_C::CastSpell(33876, 0, 0xF5309D9000339758, 0) [2595]
[23:20:09:630] interact: 0x2E01C388
[23:20:09:646] interact done: 0x2E01C388
[23:20:09:818] Spell_C::CastSpell(22568, 0, 0xF5309D9000339758, 0) [2596]
[23:20:09:882] -Ferocious Bite
[23:20:10:80] Cleared POI - Reason POI is dead from Combat
[23:20:10:80] Cleared POI
[23:20:11:380] New combat target Raging Firestorm, resetting combat timer.
[23:20:11:423] interact: 0x2E023E44
[23:20:11:438] interact done: 0x2E023E44
[23:20:12:376] Spell_C::CastSpell(1822, 0, 0xF5309C030033A022, 0) [2597]
[23:20:12:391] -Rake
[23:20:13:799] interact: 0x2E023E44
[23:20:13:807] interact done: 0x2E023E44
[23:20:16:400] interact: 0x2E023E44
[23:20:16:408] interact done: 0x2E023E44
[23:20:16:496] Spell_C::CastSpell(33876, 0, 0xF5309C030033A022, 0) [2598]
[23:20:16:509] -Mangle (Cat)
[23:20:18:801] interact: 0x2E023E44
[23:20:18:836] interact done: 0x2E023E44
[23:20:19:833] Spell_C::CastSpell(33876, 0, 0xF5309C030033A022, 0) [2599]
[23:20:21:296] interact: 0x2E023E44
[23:20:21:309] interact done: 0x2E023E44
[23:20:22:657] Spell_C::CastSpell(33876, 0, 0xF5309C030033A022, 0) [2600]
[23:20:23:804] interact: 0x2E023E44
[23:20:23:816] interact done: 0x2E023E44
[23:20:23:847] Spell_C::CastSpell(22568, 0, 0xF5309C030033A022, 0) [2601]
[23:20:23:864] -Ferocious Bite
[23:20:24:678] Activity: Moving to hotspot
[23:20:25:90] Start/Stop button pressed.
[23:20:25:96] Stopping the bot!
[23:20:25:96] Stop called!
[23:20:25:141] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner)
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)
at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
at System.Delegate.DynamicInvoke(Object[] args)
at Styx.Logic.Targeting.(Delegate e, Object[] args)
[23:20:25:142] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.Targeting.(Delegate e, Object[] args)
at Styx.Logic.Targeting.Pulse()
[23:20:25:146] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.Targeting.Pulse()
at Styx.WoWPulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[23:20:25:147] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()