You are more than likely running the instance too fast. You can only run WoW instances 5 times per hour. Try adjusting the "Wait Time" in the profile to set a delay right after you enter. Always do your wait times from inside the instance to ensure the time counts toward your 12 minutes per instance and so you don't look like a "bot" standing outside the instance gate for 3 or 4 minutes doing nothing with your thumb up your a$$
Find, or add, this line in the profile
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="240000"/> right after the part that says ... so it should look like this when your done...
<If Condition="Me.MapId != 658" > <!-- enters instance if not already inside -->
<RunTo X="5592.983" Y="2011.288" Z="798.1511" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="201761" ObjectType="GameObject" WaitTime="0" X="5590.884" Y="2009.19" Z="797.3859" /> <!-- Opens portcullis -->
<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="5586.107" Y="2005.752" Z="799.3646" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="240000"/>
Your WaitTime="xxxxxxx" value will probably be different than mine. I need 4 minutes added because I average a bit over 8:30 on a run-thru so ~8:30 + 4:00 - 12 minutes 30 seconds average instance run time. 60 / 12.5 = 4.8 instance per hour. That's well under the 5 instances per hour max.
This line above adds 4 minutes of delay time. So you'll enter the instance and stand there doing nothing for 4 minutes before you start. Your just killing time... This helps you ensure you have no runs that finish in under 12 minutes. You will need to time your run-thru from the time the instance "reset" message appears until you re-enter after completing a run and exiting. Do this a few times to make sure you don't ever do it faster than 12 minutes (5 x 12 = 60 minutes) then adjust the "WaitTime" up or down accordingly so your average run-thru is a bit over 12 minutes.
TIP: WaitTime="60000" = 1 minute, 120000 = 2 minutes, and 180000 = 3 minutes and so on.