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I thinks it´s a nice place:
Result of 8 Days 12 hours per day @ night grinding:
~ 60 stacks of fur / sell for 600-1000g per stack
~ more then tons of greys / sell for ~ 9k
~ tons of greens 50% sell 50% enchanted / sell for ~ 5k
~ 10 blue items xD
Edit 1 Epic ! ...
my pers. result of this Profil are around 60k G in 8 Days
This profile has worked for me at 8+ hours daily for about a month now. Have made over 100k gold selling stacks of 200 fur for 695g hand over fist on top of various epics including a lucky double sided coin which sold for 87k on top of the 100k from fur. It's the only profile I have found where I can leave it on knowing I won't dc from going idle or get caught botting because im running into a wall for 5 minutes.
PM me an email to donate to and also i wanna talk about another profile possibly