Deciding to post some stats from my run today. It's a great bot, +rep.
Run Time: Approx 4 hrs
CR: Singular Level 100 Brewmaster Monk
Starting Skinning: 20ish
Ending Skinning: 685
Kills: 842 (169/hr)
Deaths: 9 (2/hr)
>On a PvP server, though I watched at least one death happen to a roaming pack of 4 Nagrand Prowlers after starting a fight with a Clefthoof.
Loots: 994 (200/hr)
>281 Talbuk Meat
>75 Clefthoof Meat
>30 Elekk Meat
>235 Raw Beast Hide (Most was Scraps due to leveling skinning)
>724 Sumptuous Fur
>17 BoE Greens
>2 BoE Blues
Honor Gained: 2 (0/hr)
>Love it when I see this.
Only thing that I'm now wondering after watching the bot, Windrocs, and the two varieties of Meadowstompers aren't seen by the bot unless attacked by them. Is this an intentional feature? The Meadowstompers I can see because of the knockback and high health pools, but the Windrocs are really quick to kill and don't really do any nonsense.
Also not sure if it's possible to make it so that the bot will move away from certain mobs if it see's them coming, but if it can making it so that it runs from Nagrand Stalkers might be something to look into, saw the bot aggro groups of them 3 different times. Two 3 packs, and one 4 pack. It was able to kill the 3 packs, from being tank specced, but died to the 4 pack. I can only imagine it being instant death for anything not tank specced.
In question MobID's if they'd be helpful
86931 <!--Direfang Prowler-->
78462 <!--Territorial Meadowstomper-->
78460 <!--Meadowstomper-->
79398 <!--Windroc-->