The Talaari mobs at Yrel's Watch are the elite mobs you can sometimes run into
Ah beat me to the bone turn in, I wrote something to do it and was going to post it.
BUT I did find a typo in your xml, you have the wrong ID for the Stallions. It's 116775
Ah cool, I must have screwed that up.
I also added in windroc (79398) because I am using this for a grind 98-100 but it drops nothing useful. On my main character I did the same thing pretty much manually so this is totally awesome, killing several birds with one stone (no pun intended!). I am getting something like 350kxp/hour which meand 98-100 should take 4-5 hours.
Thanks for ruining meat price on all servers. Already see a huge decrease in price on both these meats + leather
unless im blind and an idiot i dont see any mailboxes around meatugt