will check it.... it should be possibleIf run takes longer (7-8mins) there is a small chance that you will get into combat with shannox. Good thing is that the bot won't attack him - but he will heal himself forever and Shannox still may be killed (happened to me few days ago). Is there anything you could do with it? Like prevent bot from doing any healing, any movement etc until he's dead if he gets in combat with Shannox ?
also using v0.6 + hb3 - my druid did not use moonglade portal, just after killing last mob it restarted whole script, waited few seconds (instance timer) and ran into shannox (was on the way)
PS. that probably also happened few times on v0.5 + hb2 (would be explaination why i have found the bot few times running cleared instance)
EDIT: Removed if conditions from moonglade part, will run few times and let you know if it is okay
UPDATE: even with removed conditions the bot just skipped teleport part and started running script again -> probably combat issue, added 8 secs wait time after last pack (there is a while me in combat loop but i think it doesn't work as it should)
PS 2. It sometimes fails to open tiny treasure chests and the loop is running 500 times. Adding some time limit to TerminateWhen="!HasItem(67539) || (or running 10s)" would be a solution IMO.
i get this bug "No mount spell is known"
using hardcore no gb, i tested both original and beta same problem
i need to manually mount ingame every time it stops.
Issue with moonglade teleport fixed by adding a wait time after last pack (kills, loots, waits, teleport). Been running whole night and nothing got stuck. Time to for lockboxes. Need to do something if bot fails to loot (sometimes it opens the chest and doesn't loot it and then the loot window is open -> bot does nothing).thanks for the input i will see what i can do.
a log would be nice to see what is happening
Issue with moonglade teleport fixed by adding a wait time after last pack (kills, loots, waits, teleport). Been running whole night and nothing got stuck. Time to for lockboxes. Need to do something if bot fails to loot (sometimes it opens the chest and doesn't loot it and then the loot window is open -> bot does nothing).
it is not picking up gold for me, it just leaves the gold and picks up items. when does it sells the items when everything is full?
Thank you for best profile!
I slumped income per hour.
v 0.5 - 1300 gold per hour
v 0.6 - 700 gold per hour
tell me what could be wrong? character is the same - the druid .
Paladin (Divine Shield (642) )
<!-- stealth on leave -->
<If Condition="Me.Class == WoWClass.Paladin" >
<CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Code="SpellManager.Cast(642);" />
<!-- ReEnter-->
Not working. What's the problem?
i dont know why i keep joining on empty instances, any suggestions?
Thank you for best profile!
I slumped income per hour.
v 0.5 - 1300 gold per hour
v 0.6 - 700 gold per hour
tell me what could be wrong? character is the same - the druid .
Thank you. But how to do it worked after exiting the dungeon, but not before? The spell ends and does not help. =( Sorry for my English