I am happy to release V0_4
Custom Profile Settings
When you start the profile, a little button will appear above the "Stop/Start" bot button.
You can customise the way the bot will behave. See image below:
Detailed Setting Information
Use EchoTigers Dungeon/Raid Death Support (Recommended)
Uses EchoTigers Dungeon/Raid Death Support. It is recommended to use this to guarantee a smooth resurect behavior.
A Plugin is no longer needed!
not activating it will resultt to use my own custom death behavior.
Thanks to EchoTiger to let me use this code!
Reset on Death
When this option is activated it will reset on death and reload the profile.
not activating it will result in messy behavior after death.
Use Stealth on leave
When this option is activated the bot will use stealth (if your class can stealth) on leave to prevent reports.
Use Potion of Tresurefinding
When this option is activated the bot will use
Tresure Finding
Die at the end of the run and Reset
When this option is activated the bot will jump into the lava to die and reset at the end of the run. (does not unequip items)
Enable Disenchantix Plugin
Disenchantix Plugin to disencahant while waiting. Credit goes to
notmrt for this option.
Use Battle Horn
When this option is activated the bot will use the item
Battle Horn to pull faster (also works with Moonkin pull behavior).
Guide to obtain this item
Guildbank Options
Guild Bank Deposit and Withdraw stuff.
Pretty self explaining.
Class specific
Use Moonkin pull Behavior
The bot run's to spots between mob packs and uses Starfall to pull faster.
Teleport: Moonglade (this teleports you infront of the dungeon)
Selfexplaining. Is pretty bugged right now (the bot assumes there is no flyingmount available).
Death Gate (this teleports you infront of the dungeon)
Selfexplaining. Couldn't test it but i assume it does the same as the moonkin teleport.
Stonetalon and Mulgor bug
should be fixed.
Wait lockout timer will activate after enter the instance. the incombat bug at the end of the instance should be fixed with this.
I did test the profile but i only have 1 account atm so if you
detect any bug let me know and post a log