Hello, good profile, but I do not have the use of potions from the guild bank, I tried to solve the problem like this:
PHP:<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="GuildBankTab4Button:Click()" WaitTime="500" /> <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" WaitTime="50" NumOfTimes="3" Lua="local b=4 for s=1,98 do local n=GetGuildBankItemLink(b,s)if n and strfind(n,"58488")then print("Withdrawing "..n)AutoStoreGuildBankItem(b,s)end end" /> </If>
but bot takes more than one potion that should be corrected?
its the lua its withdraws automatically as much as he can. i cant find any that withdraws just one.