my char dies goes back into the raid and sits there. here is a log.
[Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Unbound Pyrelord.37E8!
[Singular] /startattack on Unbound Pyrelord.37E8 @ 14.7% at 0.0 yds
[Singular] /cancelaura: Bladestorm #46924
[Singular] Eating @ 34.1% health
Eating Fat Sleeper Cakes
Looting Unbound Pyrelord Guid:0x2030FC5A0033EBC0005FAD00013437EA
[DoWhen-v2082(debug)] Executing CustomDeathHook hook
Not in game
[Singular] Your Level 100 Human Arms Warrior Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Firelands
[Singular] ... Zone: Kalimdor using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[DoWhen-v2082(debug)] Stopped executing CustomDeathHook hook
[Azyul Death Handler]: Instance portal detected, moving towards instance object location.
Not in game
[Singular] Your Level 100 Human Arms Warrior Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Firelands [None; not in an Instance]
[Singular] ... Raid using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[DoWhen-v2082(debug)] Executing CustomDeathHook hook
so it looks like it killed its last mob, ate to heal up then left the raid. you see he leaves when it says 'not in game'. then says it isnt in instance and doesnt do anything so over time my character afks and sits down...