I ran it this week with my BS/JC/Cook/Fisherman toon and it successfully completed everything without my intervention. As luck would have it, it probably only worked because I sat and watched it the whole time. I didn't
do anything, just kept my eye on it. As you may imagine, this makes it pretty difficult to figure out where other peoples' issues stem from.
As far as dropping the cooking quest, the code for when you are on the quest is as follows
<If Condition="HasQuest(29509) && !IsQuestCompleted(29509)">
<!-- tested by tim -->
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Working on cooking quest." LogColor="LimeGreen" />
<!-- simple flour, plump frogs -->
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<If Condition="GetItemCount(30817) >= 5 && HasItem(72056)">
<CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="72056" WaitTime="2000" /> <!-- make breaded frogs -->
<While Condition="HasItem(72057)"> <!-- breaded frogs -->
<CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="72057" WaitTime="1000" X="-4168.328" Y="6289.727" Z="13.1182" /> <!-- fry the frogs -->
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="1000" />
<If Condition="!HasItem(72056) && !IsQuestCompleted(29509)">
<CustomBehavior File="AbandonQuest" QuestId="29509" /> <!-- something went wrong -->
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="1000" />
<PickUp QuestName="Putting the Crunch in the Frog" QuestId="29509" GiverName="Stamp Thunderhorn" GiverId="14845" X="-4165.073" Y="6285.713" Z="13.11746" />
The logic translates into words as:
If I am on the quest and it isn't complete
----If I have 5 simple flour and I have Plump Frogs
--------Use the plump frogs, which consumes the flour and makes 5 Breaded Frogs
----While I have some Breaded Frogs
--------Use 1 Breaded Frog to make 1 Crunchy Frog (should happen 5 times)
----If I don't have Plump Frogs and the quest isn't complete
--------Abandon and re-pickup because the quest should have been completed by making crunchy frogs
There should be plenty of waiting time between steps unless you are exceedingly laggy. If someone can suggest something wrong with the logic I'd be interested to know.
BaliOne, not sure what you're asking. If you want to fish up the non compat pet separate from doing dailies, use AutoAngler.
As far as deprecated behaviors..... if they're not actually removing it from distribution and simply saying they won't support/maintain them that's fine. If they're actually removing them, that would be pretty stupid as it would most certainly break many profiles that are no longer maintained. Just look at all the deprecated methods in the Java API. They're not going anywhere for fear of breaking old code.