I played with this one for a couple hours tonight and got it working. This is the first time I've significantly modified a Profile or looked at the API.
Unzip the zip to %\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Misc and put the DarkmoonFaire.xml wherever you want.
Questing profile, with AutoEquip disabled for the SW cloak or it will generally unequip it before it can be used.
Changes: (based on Jojo's file)
Fixed some bugs, mainly updating all the old deprecated or removed functions
Updated to InteractWith for first aid & engineering
Some WaitTimers needed minor adjustments
I added a cloak to SW (for Alliance, horde would take 5 min to add) at the start and garrison hearth (or reg hearth for lowbies) when done.
Used the new MrFishIt and replaced the fishing QuestBehavior one altogether
Renamed the namespace functions from DMF_* to DMFR_* so it shouldn't conflict with the one in Brodie's
Problems I need help with:
I do not have X/Y/Z coords for Barkeep Dobbins to get the Moonberry Juice for Alchemists. It was not correct in the original.
The remaining profession mats should be purchased without issue.
Do not know how to save the ItemID and re-equip the previous cloak after getting to SW/Org.
If someone wants to implement the wings & racing dailies, be my guest.
The Whack-a-Gnoll never hits Hoggers, so it takes 2+ rounds. I played around with the settings to the QuestBehavior file but it didn't change much.
Shooting Range also never fires more than once per target and takes 2 rounds.
Turtle daily can take awhile, but again it does finish eventually.
Tested so far:
Monthly books handins, Alchemy (once you buy the Juice), Cooking, Fishing, Herbalism, Engineering, Leatherworking, Enchanting, Jewelcrafting and the 5 original dailies. I will get around to checking the rest soon.