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[PAID] Myriad - Power Leveling Pack


Sep 10, 2012

Brief Description

What Does It Do?
  • Fully automatizes your character leveling experience 1-90 by dungeon boosting
  • Works for both Alliance and Horde
  • Fully automated and 1-click, extremely easy to use
  • Best option for anyone who wants to level new characters fast and reliably f.e. Suicide Botters
  • 1 - 90 in up to ~12 hours with RAF (no looms and before Legion & dungeon XP nerfs)

Minimum Requirements
  • 2 Honorbuddy Sessions available
  • Questing botbase
  • One +90 lvl Booster
  • One low level char you wish to level up
Optimal Requirements
  • 3 Honorbuddy Sessions available
  • ProfessionBuddy and Questing botbase
  • One +100 lvl Booster (lvl +100 required for 85-90 part and +108 for 90-110 )
  • 2 low level char with RAF you wish to level up

Specific Description
What Does It Do?

  • Levels 1 -> 10 are Grind in Elwynn Forest / Durotar.
  • Levels 10 -> 85 are Dungeon Boosted
    • Horde 10 -> 21 in RFC
    • Horde 21 -> 35 in Scarlett Halls
    • Alliance 10 -> 15 in Deadmines
    • Alliance 15 -> 25 in The Stockades
    • Alliance 25 -> 35 in RFK
    • Neutral 35 -> 45 in RFD
    • Neutral 45 -> 60 in Sunken Temple
    • Neutral 60 -> 68 in Blood Furnace
    • Neutral 68 -> 77 in The Nexus
    • Neutral 77 -> 85 in Blackrock Caverns
    • Neutral 85 -> 90 in Temple of the Jade Serpent
    • Neutral 90 -> 94 in Bloodmaul Slag Mines
    • Neutral 94 -> 100 in Auchindoun

  • Automatically buy Mounts/Skills for correct races
  • Automatically withdraw gold from Guild Bank / Mails for required stuff
  • Automatically acquires bags either from Guild Bank or Auction House
  • Mimics real players a lot. Jumps,Targets other players, randomization in movement and other tasks


  • ProfessionBuddy and Questing botbases available

  • Booster has to be level 90 or higher.
  • Level 85-90 boosting is only possible if booster is lvl 100 or higher. If booster is under lvl 100, leveling stops at lvl 85.
  • Level 90-100 boosting is only possible if booster is lvl 108 or higher. If booster is under lvl 108, leveling stops at lvl 90.

  • Certain Class & Races are not supported currently: Death Knight, Pandas, Worgens and Goblins wont work unless you have completed their starting areas. Basically your new characters has to be able to roam world freely instantly. This might see changes in future as I'm aware of many Gold Farmers like to use DKs

  • Move your character our of the Draenor / Legion areas manually. (Or just set hearthstone to Stormwind / Orgrimmar)

  • Highly Recommended to have extra gold available for Noobs, they automatically attempt to withdraw gold from Guild Banks if available and they also check mails etc.. So to have a smooth run mail them gold or have a Guild with some g's in them. They need about 1000g for all Mount Skills. (they will make this gold back when they ding 85 so you dont actually loose any gold here)

Does "noobs" need extra gold?
-No. They do benefit from it but it isn't required.​
How AFKable is this?
-Check videos (in Youtube, cant post them here), should be 100% afkable after starting. Probably good idea to do some kinda monitoring on first run.​
How long does it take? (Before Legion & dungeon XP nerfs)
-Speed is almost only dependent on Boosters Movement Speed. Havoc Demon Hunter is probably fastest booster currently
-One of my beta testers leveled 1-85 in 8.5 hours with RAF & Heirlooms. (pre rogue nerf)
-Without RAF but with full heirlooms I've heard it takes ~16hours. Rogue boosting (1-85 and pre rogue nerf)​

Fastest Group?
Booster: Havoc Demon Hunters and Feral Druids (with talents: Displacer Beast and Lunar Inspiration)
Noobs: Humans/Orcs for fast traveling to grinding areas. Druid is probably fastest class choice due their movement speed bonuses on early levels​
Small teams are safer
I prefer to level teams like 1 booster + 2 nubs​
If you are not familiar with Recruit a Friend
Remember that bonus xp you get from RaF only works when both of the linked characters are withing 4 level of each other. This means that you CAN NOT link both of the noobs to your boosters account or otherwise they will not receive bonus xp due to boosters lvl. So f.e send invites like this: Booster -> Nub1 -> Nub2​

How To Get Started
Select "ProfessionBuddy" as a BotBase


Press "Load Profile" and after that select "From Buddy Store"


Navigate yourself to this product aka "Myriad - Power Leveling Pack" and click it open. Then select "LOAD THIS ONE ONLY" and press "Load" button.


When profile is loaded press "Bot Config" and change settings as you prefer. Once done close settings from "X"


Ready! Click "Start" and enjoy


Settings Info
This might not be always 100% up to date

General Settings
Acquire_Bags (Nubs only)
  • Main On/Off switch to control whether we should look for bags if we are missing some
  • Only looks for "Netherweave Bags" atm so it triggers if we are missing bags or any of the bags has less than 16 slots
From_AH / From_GBank
  • If both are enabled, we check Guild Bank first
  • Note that bot priorities first riding skill & mount over the bags, so it wont buy bags until it has first riding skill & ground mount
  • How much can each bag cost at MAX.
  • Due to how ProfessionBuddy works this value isn't dynamic.
    Instead I set price ranges of 15,20,25,30,40,50,100 so if you set this value to 8 it would look for bags with max price of 15g.
    If you set it to 26 it will look for bags with max price of 30g
  • If we have less than this amount of gold, we don't try to buy bags.
  • Disables unnecessary ah checks at low levels when we are low on gold.
  • If you set this to f.e 100 you can make sure bot buys all bags at once.
  • This disables guild withdrawing from Guild Banks in all cases.
  • You can turn this on if you are sure that guild bank doesn't have any money / your are guildless / don't want to withdraw gold


Booster Only Settings
  • Booster will automatically attempt to invite "noobs" (defined at PartyMember List) that are on same server to guild he is in.
    Doesn't do anything if Booster is not in guild or his rank doesn't allow Guild Inviting.
  • Booster will automatically promote "noobs" (defined at PartyMember List) that are in the same guild, to highest possible rank.
    Doesn't do anything if Booster is not in guild or his rank doesn't allow Guild Promoting.
  • This makes bot use Honorbuddys normal vendor behaviors and only to sell white / gray items.
  • If set to "False" it uses custom vendor behavior that attempts to sell ALL items that can be sold


Noobs Only Settings

  • When set to "True" this character automatically accepts Guild Invite from our booster (defined at Boosters_Name).
  • If you have your own guild, you can type its name in here and this character will join it automatically when invited.
  • If set to "True", this character goes to buy gears from Hyjal green gear vendor at lvl +85
  • Checks for iLvL to determine if we really need gear first. iLvL check is 200
  • Only buys gears it needs, starts to replace lowest ilvl gears first
  • This starts to delete LOWEST valuable items to make free space in bags when they are close to full
  • Helps to obtain a lot more gold if we don't have all bags available
  • This should be used if you create character that is on new server or doesn't have extra gold available.
  • This character automatically need rolls for every roll to obtain as much gold as possible.
  • Skips buying of "Cold Weather Flying" as it isn't absolutely required (other flying skills are MUST to be able to move to Pandaria for 85-90)
  • Basically same as boosters "Safe_Vendoring"
  • By default Noobs sell ALL items from bags that can be sold to obtain as much gold as possible

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Thread Management Rules
The Support thread for a Buddy Store product is meant for:
  • Feature requests
  • Constructive criticism with specific details
  • Bug reports with a full log attached
    Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]
Any thing else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted. Examples include, but are not limited to:
  • Price discussions
  • Comparisons to other products
  • Complaints without supporting evidence suitable for immediate corrective action by the author
  • Theory crafting
  • General chit-chat
  • etc
We ask that you please refrain from creating off-topic posts in Support threads.
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Known Problems / Troubleshooting

If you are using Rogue as a booster and Singular combat routine
Disable usage of Vanish, if Vanish is enabled bot might vanish randomly between combats resulting in mobs resetting and maybe killing noobs.
To disable vanish head to singular settings and look for setting called "Disable Spells with Cooldown (secs)". Once found type in Vanishs coldown (120 for lvl 90s, if I remember correctly its lower for higher lvls) and Singular shouldn't cast vanish anymore.

Change Log

 - Druids cancels shapeshift form when learning flying skill now.
 - Razorfen Down
   * Changed pull spot for boss "Mordresh Fire Eye" so outlaw rogues will be in range to pull him
 - Temple of the Jade Serpent
   * Bot forces itself into combat with "Wise Mari" now

Version: 2.1.8  |  Approval Date: 20.11.2016
 - Couple small fixes

Version: 2.1.7  |  Approval Date: 08.11.2016
 - Razorfen Down
   * Trying to solve issue where Nubs might suicide when booster leaves dungeon
 - The Nexus
   * Fixed error where nubs might fall off the cliff and get stuck when moving to dungeon
 - Bloodmaul Slag Mines / Auchindoun
   * Updates to WOD prequests

Version: 2.1.6  |  Approval Date: 31.10.2016
 - The Stockade
   * Nubs shouldn't get stuck anymore
 - Temple of the Jade Serpent
   * Booster should engage last boss always now

Version: 2.1.4  |  Approval Date: 29.10.2016
 - new setting "Stay_In_Stealth" added for nubs
   * Causes your druids & rogues to stay in stealth all the time in dungeon profiles.
   * Doesn't disable flying, but disables ground mounting
 - Rogues & Druids uses stealth always when resetting dungeons now
 - Sunken Temple
   * Fixed correct SubZoneId for Sunken Temple (blizz changed it in 7.1)
   * Bots should be able to navigate to entrance while dead now. No more waiting in graveyard

Version: 2.1.3  |  Approval Date: 22.10.2016
 - RFD
   * Small specific stuckhandler added when moving to last bosses
 - Auchindoun
   * Potential fix for booster getting stuck at "fountains" while resetting dungeon
 - Mail behavior terminates faster if there are problems now

Version: 2.1.2  |  Approval Date: 18.10.2016
 - "Noobs_Has_Raf" setting works correct way for low level alliance dungeons again

Version: 2.1.1  |  Approval Date: 16.10.2016
 - Fixed error where Booster doesnt move to Temple of Jade Serpent from floating ship
 - Fixed error where Booster might land on the wrong side of entrance in Temple of Jade Serpent and get in stuck loop
   * And profile detects now in ~15sec if they are stuck on wrong side and then moves them to correct side
 - Added custom death handler when moving to dungeon for first time
   * If your booster / nubs were killed before they entered dungeon -> most likely stuck behind that gate
 - Minor changes to Alliance Draenor PreQuests in Tanaan Jungle
 - Druids should be buying bags from AH again
 - Some more small changes to Deeprun Tram
 - Increased Demon Hunter speed ability tolerances a little bit
 - Booster profile starts correctly again if nubs level is higher than 90
 - Disabled Jumper and Speed Buffs if there's any transport (elevator,ship,zeppelin etc..) close to us
   * Trying to resolve issue where booster is having problem with transports

Version: 2.0.7  |  Approval Date: 15.10.2016
 - First HB3 version
 - Nubs helps each other if they pull mobs inside the dungeons now
 - Booster uses spells to pull mobs inside the dungeon now, instead of only "body pulling" them
 - Updated majority of speed buffs / gap closers for booster
 - Fixed small occasional issue where booster might afk ~3min at RFK 3rd boss
 - Added support for druid talent "Displacer Beast"
 - Nubs doesn't let bags get full while grinding 1 - 10 anymore
 - First version of 90 - 100 support has been added (Requires +108 lvl booster)
 - Minor changes to Deeprun Tram
 - Fixed error that caused Lua Error when going to withdraw gold from guild bank
 - Fixed error that would cause booster to start moving before nubs are inside the dungeon
 - Temple of the Jade Serpent
   * Fixed issue with deaths while resetting dungeon
   * Fixed issue with second boss causing booster to not engage boss
   * Potential fix on first boss with bugged elementals

Version: 1.8.0  |  Approval Date: 14.09.2016
 - Noobs doesn't suicide anymore if booster isn't moving in Sunken Temple after ~5min of waiting

Version: 1.7.9  |  Approval Date: 29.08.2016
 - Alliance goes to "Stockades" at lvl 15 instead of lvl 21 now

Version: 1.7.8  |  Approval Date: 29.08.2016
 - 'Coldarra' name added for German and Chinese wow clients

Version: 1.7.6  |  Approval Date: 21.08.2016
 - The Deadmines
   * Improved recovery of booster if he fell to water

Version: 1.7.5  |  Approval Date: 17.08.2016
 - More changes to Sunken Temple death behavior. Forced to use spirit healer if ressing takes too long.
 - Razorfen Kraul
   * Possible fix to booster getting stuck at 3rd boss.
 - Demon Hunters should now use ranged abilities when required

Version: 1.7.4  |  Approval Date: 04.08.2016
 - Sunken Temple
   * Improved death behavior when resetting dungeon

Version: 1.7.3  |  Approval Date: 04.08.2016
 - Vendoring items works for shareable dungeon loots now
 - Profile helps AutoEquip to equip items that needs confirmation
 - Improved dungeon detection method when checking if booster/noobs are inside the dungeon
 - First changes to legion spells
 - Noobs will fight back if they pull mobs in dungeon now
 - Noobs rolls greed for loots if they cant need them
 - Sunken Temple
   * Fixed problem in navigation to dungeon
 - The Nexus
   * Fixed error that caused noobs to afk when they shouldnt
 - Blackrock Caverns
   * Fixed problem in navigation to dungeon
   * Potential fix to stop HB trying to pull dead mobs
 - Temple of the Jade Serpent 2nd boss improvement
 - Improved ranged ability usage

Version: 1.6.8  |  Approval Date: 30.06.2016
 - Ragefire Chasm
     * Removed quest "Animal Control" (No longer available)
 - Rogues wont use stealth in Stormwind/Orgrimmar anymore

Version: 1.6.7  |  Approval Date: 21.06.2016
 - Bag Check should be working now for characters that are not in guild

Version: 1.6.6  |  Approval Date: 15.06.2016
 - Temple of the Jade Serpent
    * Potential pandaria prequest fix for Horde
 - Blood Furnace
    * Death check for nubs before last boss is skipped if any noob is dead when we start dungeon
 - Low level grind
    * No more jumping if we are in combat and not moving

Version: 1.6.5  |  Approval Date: 27.05.2016
 - Ranged pull improvements in Blackrock Caverns at "Karsh Steelbender"

Version: 1.6.4  |  Approval Date: 18.05.2016
 - Faster recovery of bad ranged spell usage in RFD and Sunken Temple (on very rare conditions)
 - New options has been added, you can set your team to keep running Temple of the Jade Serpent for extra gold now instead of stopping
 - Boosters repair check has been improved
    * Will check for weapon durability alone + overall durability instead of just overall durability
    * Goes repair during Temple of the Jade Serpent if weapons or overall durability goes too low

Version: 1.6.3  |  Approval Date: 01.05.2016
 - Razorfen Down
     * Improved traveling to dungeon for booster

Version: 1.6.2  |  Approval Date: 29.04.2016
 - Temple of the Jade Serpent
     * Booster makes sure "Minion of Doubts" are dead now at 3rd boss

Version: 1.6.1  |  Approval Date: 29.04.2016
 - Booster has better logic to decide whether he should visit vendor or not
 - "Stop_At_Level" setting has been added. If you want to stop your group going 1-90 on one go you can do it with this

Version: 1.6.0  |  Approval Date: 26.04.2016
 - The Nexus
     * Bots wont fly off the zeppelin if they are inside Warsong Hold. Trying to avoid unnecessary delays
 - Temple of the Jade Serpent
     * Nubs should no longer start reset behaviors too early. Caused major issues
     * Nubs should have better fighting logic when booster is at last boss
     * Changed death behavior / logic for nubs during the dungeon. If they die, they'll wait for dangerous bosses to die before ressing
     * Small improvements when traveling to dungeon for first time
     * Booster has some logic with last boss now, will swap targets to shadow copies if needed
 - Sunken Temple
     * Minor changes to death behaviors when close to dungeon

Version: 1.5.9  |  Approval Date: 23.04.2016
 - Fixed druids bugging out at transports on rare conditions
 - Temple of the Jade Serpent
    * Fixed death loop that happened if toon dies while jumping out of those flying ships in Jade Forest
    * Potential fix for deadcharacters not resurrecting when resetting dungeon
    * Nubs enables combat when booster is at last boss (Sha of Doubt).
      This gives them chance to fight back those shadow copies if booster has low dps and boss gets to that phase
    * Booster waits a while if he has debuff "Nothingness" from last boss
    * Disabled AOE spells when trying to kill last boss (low geared & low sustain boosters might have dps problems here)
 - Fixed error that caused Booster "crash" if he tried to do Guild Promotes
 - Tuned movement in The Deadmines a litlebit. Booster recovers faster if he falls to water when moving to last bosses

Version: 1.5.6  |  Approval Date: 20.04.2016
 - Added support for Traveler's Tundra Mammoth and Grand Expedition Yak when vendoring
 - Minor adjustment for The Nexus (trying to prevent Booster falling off the map near "Anomalus" boss)
 - Added support for russian wow client on travel to the Nexus
 - Booster changes to correct Dungeon Difficulty in case its not set to "Normal"
 - Temple of the Jade Serpent dungeon support has been added (lvl 85-90). Only usable if booster is lvl 100 or higher
 - There are 2 "LOAD THIS ONE ONLY" profiles now. 1 for booster and 1 for nubs

Version: 1.5.3  |  Approval Date: 07.11.2015
 - Minor fixes for moving to The Blood Furnace
 - Alliance chars runs out of the Stockades when moving to new dungeon. (used to HS out of it)

Version: 1.5.2  |  Approval Date: 30.10.2015
 - Minor changes to RFC
 - If possible booster & nubs uses "Summon Friend" now
     Note: "summon friend" is only usable when raf linked guys are on same server
 - Deletes lowest valuable item from bags if bags are full and bot tries to turnin quest with reward
 - Detects instance lockdowns now, if you get "You've enter too many times recently" message bot will wait 1.5min before trying to re-enter
 - Possible fix to stop bots buying ground mounts when they already have any normal race mount
 - Added custom quest PickUp & TurnIn (HB defaults stops bot if it fails to pickup quest in ~20s, these wont)

Version: 1.4.9  |  Approval Date: 08.10.2015
 - Added really basic support for HBRelog, skips current task once profile considers itself finished (customer request)

Version: 1.4.8  |  Approval Date: 07.10.2015
 - Fixed correct Guild Bank coordinates & ids for Hordes when withdrawing gold for the Gears

Version: 1.4.6  |  Approval Date: 01.10.2015
 - Added 2 new ID for aura "Heroic Defense" in Scarlet Halls (found 4 different ids from WoWHead, should finally fix this problem)

Version: 1.4.5  |  Approval Date: 30.09.2015
 - Monks uses correct pull methods in Blackrock Caverns now (tried to cast spell "Provoke" from too far away)

Version: 1.4.4  |  Approval Date: 28.09.2015
 - When buying gears, Classes/specs with Dual Wield or Shields checks for correct amount of gold now
 - Fixed bot to use correct vendors in Orgrimmar
 - Added second id for aura "Heroic Defense" in Scarlett Halls. Should no longer get in stuck loop while trying to pick up the shield

Version: 1.4.3  |  Approval Date: 21.09.2015
 - Changed correct transport usage for Gnomes & Dwarves when buying ground mounts
 - Fixed issue that caused non-Human races to not start farming mobs at 1->5 levels

Version: 1.4.2  |  Approval Date: 13.09.2015
 - Movement improvements to Duskwood for Hordes. Avoids high lvl alliance guard near the STV entrance
 - Noobs auto promotes booster to Group Leader if he isnt leader yet. (Only booster resets dungeons)
 - Toons only moves to buy Mounts & Riding Skills if they have gold for both of them. This avoids unnecessary movement in cities
 - New setting "Noobs_Has_RAF" added for Booster. Turn off if you are not using RAF between noobs, avoids unnecessary instance lockdowns
 - Fixed small possibility of infinite death loop when entering Scarlett Halls for first time
 - Small fixes/changes to avoid unnecessary deaths as a Noob in Scarlett Halls
 - Minor changes to stuff happening in Main Cities
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The new easy wow to leveling our Toons I want this Hb approve it quicly plz :)

Thx myriad for your work it's amazing there is a free trial ?
oh good ^^

i have two account with a verry stuff DK 100 i think he can run all dungeon in suicide mode so enhnace the time for Leveling :)

i add you on skype men add me ^
Hi..tested it on trial today so far with lvl100 696 rogue and hunter using both singular cr and it is BRILLAINT AWESOME GREAT !!!! This profile base is GOLDEN !!!
Just trying this out now and im having a problem where it invites the noob/noobs then a few seconds go by and they leave the group then try it again, and it keeps doing this and will not start the leveling process.. what am i doing wrong here?
Just trying this out now and im having a problem where it invites the noob/noobs then a few seconds go by and they leave the group then try it again, and it keeps doing this and will not start the leveling process.. what am i doing wrong here?

Is boosters name set correctly on settings?
Noobs leave groups that doesn't have booster in them.

If this is not the case, please give me full log and I can check whats happening : )
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Just got a toon from 32 to 85 in literally 8 hrs or so. awesome profile! Now if we could have it do the MoP dungeons to help speed up leveling from 85-90, that would be awesome.. Good job developer.
Just got a toon from 32 to 85 in literally 8 hrs or so. awesome profile! Now if we could have it do the MoP dungeons to help speed up leveling from 85-90, that would be awesome.. Good job developer.

Great to hear, I'll be pushing first update this night hopefully, mostly just small fixes that came up on these first days.

85-90 support is coming and it will be done via questing as dungeon boosting is not possible without lvl 100 booster and it might not even be faster compared to questing. I'm trying to finish 85-90 during the next week ^^
ok. I just started a new toon, and I have my druid as the booster. I don't know if he is just running the instance too fast, but after a couple of runs, when they leave the intsasnce, and try to go back into it, it says it can't because we were in too many instances recently. And after trying to re enter the instasnce so many times unsuccessfully the bot will DC from the game. Is there a fix for this? Like perhaps letting the bot wait x minutes at the lower level dungeons? I didn't notice this in the lvl 30 and up dungeons....

Ok, I figured out what happened. SOMEHOW, the leadership of the party got transfered to the toon that was being powerleveled. Once that happened it kept going in and out resetting the instance. So I switched back the leader role to my booster, and it is working fine again......... still very confused how the party leadership got transfered to my power leveled toon..... strange
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ok. I just started a new toon, and I have my druid as the booster. I don't know if he is just running the instance too fast, but after a couple of runs, when they leave the intsasnce, and try to go back into it, it says it can't because we were in too many instances recently. And after trying to re enter the instasnce so many times unsuccessfully the bot will DC from the game. Is there a fix for this? Like perhaps letting the bot wait x minutes at the lower level dungeons? I didn't notice this in the lvl 30 and up dungeons....

Ok, I figured out what happened. SOMEHOW, the leadership of the party got transfered to the toon that was being powerleveled. Once that happened it kept going in and out resetting the instance. So I switched back the leader role to my booster, and it is working fine again......... still very confused how the party leadership got transfered to my power leveled toon..... strange

I pushed new update last night (waiting for approval atm) and it has fixes for these issues.
Hey, just tested your product by now and got a question: why wont my Booster clear the whole instance(doesnt kill 1st boss)? (horde, rfc)

edit: LOL it kills first boss but the kill doesnt complete the dungeon, it still screens 0/1 aradogg, any1 got a solution for this?

edit2: seems like im killing the boss too early, could some1 investigate that? xD
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Hey, just tested your product by now and got a question: why wont my Booster clear the whole instance(doesnt kill 1st boss)? (horde, rfc)

edit: LOL it kills first boss but the kill doesnt complete the dungeon, it still screens 0/1 aradogg, any1 got a solution for this?

edit2: seems like im killing the boss too early, could some1 investigate that? xD

Hmm... Does this happen on every run?

I've noticed myself that sometimes on dungeons even after killing the boss, it fails to update Dungeon Progress and I really have no idea how to fix that.

What booster are you using?
it happend in every run, but i was able to see that this problem was caused by "demonic premium" (the routine), if i use the standart routine it works fine