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My Super Computer Project

One important question:

If I bot 30 accounts, what is the chances I get a catastrophic ban? All 30 in one day banned? Is it possible?
One important question:

If I bot 30 accounts, what is the chances I get a catastrophic ban? All 30 in one day banned? Is it possible?

Yes it's possible, since Blizzard can probably tie them all back to a single IP address.

Unlikely, maybe. But possible.
lol, i thought this thread was about a supercomputer not Whatcha's personal crybaby thread ;P
Just one note to add here. Without assuming anything I just wanted to add a word of caution regarding time investment here. I currently operate 3 accounts, 3 total. If I actually run all 3 and I do mean if, because I dont allways run all 3, it takes a solid hour of maintenance time at least twice a day to effectively AH and handle mats, and that of course depends on what your using the mats for.

I guess my point is that running 30 bots would be a huge undertaking, obviously a FULL TIME job and would most likely be uber frustrating. Imagine simply logging in 30 accounts. How long would just that part take?
I guess my point is that running 30 bots would be a huge undertaking, obviously a FULL TIME job and would most likely be uber frustrating. Imagine simply logging in 30 accounts. How long would just that part take?

Couple of mins the first time, and after that you have to click start ^^

(the official honor and -gatherbuddy relogger) =P
1 Quad AMD plus a GS 8800 or better plus 4 GB Ram = 5 WOW including Bot+
1 Quad AMD plus a GS 8800 or better plus 4 GB Ram = 5 WOW including Bot+
1 Quad AMD plus a GS 8800 or better plus 4 GB Ram = 5 WOW including Bot+
1 Quad AMD plus a GS 8800 or better plus 4 GB Ram = 5 WOW including Bot+
1 Quad AMD plus a GS 8800 or better plus 4 GB Ram = 5 WOW including Bot+
+ 1 Keyboard, Mouse , TFT and a 5 or 10 port KVM Switch

= 30 WOW... were do you need there a Supercomputer?

This is EU a Amd Phenom 9550 with 4 gig ram and no name Motherborad costs under 200 euros... a 1 TB HD around 60 euros and a GS 8800 50 euros...
this is not ipodland...
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wall of text just critted me for liek 9000000000000000000000000000000000000000

My bot is gathering me 14k a day, and im getting like.. so i can buy 30 days more to the bot and a gamecard a month, so im quite happy with that, and im saving up for another account that i can put another harvest bot on and buying life time:-))
One important question:

If I bot 30 accounts, what is the chances I get a catastrophic ban? All 30 in one day banned? Is it possible?

Considering some people have had entire computers worth of bots taken out with one swift swing of Blizzard's ban hammer but leaving bots on others computers with the same IP address untouched maybe it isn't such a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket.
Just get a single dual xeon setup with shitload of pci slots and load up 5 mac addresses, you can get NIC's for like 5 dollars a piece on ebay.

Just google haveing mulitple connections on one comp.
Yea that's true, forgot about that possibility. I've got 2 in this comp integrated on the motherboard but only one on the comp I bot with unfortunately.
Bossland himself runs 23+ bots on one computer... Pretty sure if he'd of given information if botting 20+ bots on one computer was a stupid idea instead of posting in his blog saying he is building a computer TO DO it.

Not saying it's not possible for Blizzard to do a MAC look up based ban, but to me it is unlikely. Of course, could be wrong, but for now I will continue being full of myself. IMO.


Building a computer to. But mine won't be a super computer.

Just started:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103843(AMD Athlon II X3 440 Rana 3.0GHz 3 x 512KB L2 Cache Socket AM3 95W Triple-Core Desktop Processor) Purchased
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813138163 (BIOSTAR TA790GXB3 AM3 AMD 790GX ATX AMD Motherboard) Thinking

So far, this is what I have. Not to sure about what graphics card I am going to use, feel free to leave some feedback!

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Boss himself has stated before that he has had entire computers worth of bots wiped out at once but other computers running on the same IP would be fine. He theorized that when Blizzard manually investigates from time to time that they will ban all accounts that were online at the time on the same MAC address so I can only assume for Boss' super computer build that he must be doing what was suggested by butane earlier in this thread and using multiple NIC's.

Nice setup...
Just one thing. You GFX/GPU isn?t that powerful. I?m guessing you can run 12-13 bots on that right now, but if you get a HD5870 or HD5850, then it will be more :)

Nice setup...
Just one thing. You GFX/GPU isn?t that powerful. I?m guessing you can run 12-13 bots on that right now, but if you get a HD5870 or HD5850, then it will be more :)

Yeah I'm running 11 atm but I grabbed this at my local store because the 5870 was out of stock. Already have it coming.
One important question:

If I bot 30 accounts, what is the chances I get a catastrophic ban? All 30 in one day banned? Is it possible?

It is very likely to happen.

You will find it very hard to make over 10 level 80's ;) Especially if you sell gold.

everytime you reach 6 they will ban 3. to keep you at a low number.

Which is why i Laugh at you for thinking like this. We all thought like this at first. Once we sat down and looked at reality of it. We realize its not possible =/ Bossland Does this. But thats because he has tons of cash and doesnt have to spend money to use the programs. and in EU they have it made. No Bans and only like 30$ for all 3 expansions.

But EU you also dont make shit off of selling Gold. Same goes for US almost =/

US = 1.7/k
EU= 0.70/k

30 accounts = 1785$ Week Estematly (each account making 5k a day)
Subscription Fees = 500$
Electricity = 100$

Keep in mind when and if you get 30 level 80's...........You're prolly going to have had total of 15+ banned accounts in the process.

EVEN if you are able to make 30 level 80's.

You will have to be at that computer 24/7 Bringing each character to auction house when you get undercut and for bunch of other stuff.

100+ hours a week of work is not worth 1700$

Gold Prices are 1.7 per k right now.......They went down by half in 2 months.

How much lower you think they will be in 2 more months from now ?

Dont mean to flame just dont wanna see yah waist a whole shit load of money

Especialy 10 lifetimes is like $1300
30 accounts = 2250
Computer u built = 700$
Internet = 60$

wont be making money back for atleast 4 months and at that time gold prices will be like 70 cents per k =/
watcha with that many bots you dont use the AH anymore sell the stuff raw at the vendor thats what bossland does.
when farming 24/7 you make tones of gold that way too and you dont stress yourself with the AH or the AH itself so you cant get reported by users over the AH....
thats why GB has a option called "2 hour repair run" use a addon that sells stuff you define everytime yo uare at the vendor and your bags never gonne fill except with gold :P

bosslandh as stated that many times that he only vendors stuff due to the amount of stuff he farms