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My Super Computer Project


Apr 1, 2010
This thread is directed more towards Bossland.

Bossland's blog inspired me to start my own project and build my own super computer which will allow me to run 30+ WoW/GB/HB

Computer Specs:
i7 930 CPU
12 GB Ram
950W PSU
80 GB Intel SSD X25 HDD

Boxed Up:




Coolermaster HAF932:




Newly added furniture:

I live in this small room:
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i gues bossland is just using a normal pc with 30 bots you dont need a high pc for that just some good ram videocard and a good procesor thats all i gues
If I remember correctly hes just using some fairly average machines with athlon cpu's. Beyond that I don't remember (I may be wrong anyhow :p). Wow isn't too resource demanding.
new i7 6x core cpu's just launched they are about 1k though.

my current setup is..

evga Classified x58
Xeon W3520 (i7 920) @ 4.4gig
4x Supertalent 32GB SSDs in raid 0 (caps my south bridge @ 700/700mb)
1x WD Black 1TB drive (backup/personal files)
evga GTX285
6GB G.Skill 2000mhz ddr3

The most bots I ran at once was 5x. The only issue I had was once I started to resize wows... ie keep makein some big then small when I needed to reply to tells and stuff.. I started to lag some.
corsiar tx750 power supply
new i7 6x core cpu's just launched they are about 1k though.

my current setup is..

evga Classified x58
Xeon W3520 (i7 920) @ 4.4gig
4x Supertalent 32GB SSDs in raid 0 (caps my south bridge @ 700/700mb)
1x WD Black 1TB drive (backup/personal files)
evga GTX285
6GB G.Skill 2000mhz ddr3

The most bots I ran at once was 5x. The only issue I had was once I started to resize wows... ie keep makein some big then small when I needed to reply to tells and stuff.. I started to lag some.
corsiar tx750 power supply

*driveling* need to make some MONEY - damn it, my citrus-shell is about 10 years old -.-

BTT: Sounds like a nice plan but if you want to do anything else you need a 2nd computer
Seems like it would be a lot cheaper to just invest in one good computer in the long run rather than having multiple running nonstop. Would probably be cheaper hardware wise and would definitely cut down on electricity use. Wouldn't look as badass as having a row or a rack of botting computers going though.
Just forget it.............When we all started botting we where all like omg omg make super comp be super bot have 60 bots going make millions of dollars and never haveto work. ...............Just forget that you wont...........If it was easy we all would be running 50 bots. I know the truth is hard to comprehend. But Botting wil not make you money..............Will give yah some pocket change. but thats about it. All these newbs hearing about gold selling omg They all come and guess what............Now there is more gold Sellers than gold Buyers.
im not at all trying to sound mean or nothing. im sorry if i do. but its just the truth. I have 6 bots going getting gold but lucky to make 300 in a week.............Prices on herbs on all servers are for welfare prices. Can barly make 30k gold in a week with 1 account.......with crackhead botters selling shit thats supposed to sell for 40g a stack they sell for 15g a stack............Botters Killed themselves. No one else to blame. Idiots posting 100 stacks of Lichbloom which was 40-50g a stack instead idiot botters post 100 stacks for 20 gold Fucking themselves over. At this point and time its not worth investing a lot of money into Wow to make money. there is way to many botters. And so many idiot botters that cut prices in half just cuz they can they think there more important than any other botter. But truth is there just another botter themselves not no more special than any one of us. But due to idiot botters posting stuff DIRT DIRT DIRT cheap the gold making Is to much of a Hassel. To make 10-15k a day you almost need 3 botters on 1 server just to make a huge amount of herbz. most expensive herb on most servers is lichbloom. Which used to be 40-50g a stack now its 15-18 gold a stack........which you dont even get that many stacks of it. unless you have 3-4 bots on that 1 server. When i first Started this bot i was making a good 10-14k gold a day on 1 guy. I was Just as happy as you right now. Thinken i could start up more bots make more gold make more money. But month or 2 after. Everything went downhill just ruined everything. Gold prices went from 3.50$ per k Down to 1$ per k in matter of 2 months. Prices Will not go back up like people are assuming they will. More botters are comming in every single day. And a lot of them are also saving tons of gold to wait for cata to come out to sell gold. Which is also stupid in my opinion because when cata comes out the prices of gold is ganna drop a lot more due to the 2000 botters that saved up 500k gold to sell once cata came out...................................So in my honest opinion Prices Are Ganna Stay at 1$ per thousand gold. And gold Your lucky to make 4k a day............one of my realms i made 3k in 4 days due to moron botters posting 150 stacks of lichbloom for like 13 gold
and adder's tounge for like 7g.........Idiot botters fucked the economy up. But good news is when those idiot botters post that many stacks they get banned ;) Which is awsome but they always come back and fuck the economy up again. Greedy botters........But there to dumb to relize that if yah just left the prices the way they where they would be making a lot more gold. But some people are Just So Retarded that they think if they post 100 stacks at half price they make more gold. But thats just there idiot minds thinking that...I am not trying to discourage you from botting but im just trying to let you know that it is not doing as well as you think at the moment. Prices of gold Is going nowhere but Down From here on out. People want to believe the prices will go back up when cata comes out but it will be the opposite because of all these people saving up gold. And the gold buying companys know this so they will keep there prices down. The companys Will Keep buying for 1$ per k if they think they can get away with it. There not there to make us money.....If they know that people will still sell to them for dollar per thousand they most def will keep it at 1$ per thousand. and There is also Soooo many botters that they could prolly buy for 50 cents per thousand and still find people to sell them gold. So just think about that. Everyday theres prolly 200 new botters.
another problem is when Trying to Start up so many bots it becomes a hassel...........For my story for example. I started up 3 accounts at once when i started. I always got new accounts when i could afford it. everytime i got up to 3 level 80's or 4 level 80's one would get banned.....I Used all of the safety precautions needed to not get accounts banned. Guild bank Transfers never used the mailbox. and always used vanilla accounts to sell gold so on and so on. But everytime i got a new 80 one would get banned.....So was stuck all the time with only 3 80's. At the moment i still only have 3 80's cuz whenever i get a new 80 one of my old 80's gets banned. lol so its process of always having to level up 80's and all that.....so now i have my 3 80's Farming and i have 3 going on RAF hoping that will get them to 80 fast enough so i can have 6 bots going for atleast a week hopefully lol. Best way to do it if you have money. Is to just buy 3 lifetimes and buy 9 accounts all at once and get them all going......But that can cost a lot of money to start. But that would prolly be the best way to get your money coming in faster so when blizz bans couple you have good amount of money for a safety net. imo just buy your level 80's Saves yah the 3 weeks to make one. But i have not done that yet so i wouldnt be able to say for sure if thats the best idea but imo i think it would prolly be better to do that than level them yourself. By the time it gets to 80 blizz is ganna ban one of your old 80's thats how my luck has been anyways. and i dont do stupid shit like some botters do and post 1000 stacks of the same stuff. I post 20 of each on each character, i even delete all my alts and remake new names every week or so so my names dont always show up in the auction house. But no matter what yah do your ganna get 80's banned atleast once every 2 months. I know theres ganna be people saying oooohh i havent been banned ever blah blah blah but there just bull shitting you to sound cool like there the shit and there pro so on and so on. Turth is there on EU where they give 72 hour bans........or they dont sell gold.
lol but i give bossland a ton of credit. I would hate to have to bring all them clients to the auction house 2 times a day. i hate doing that with just 3 bots going.and 3 leveling. I dont know how he manages lol im having problems with just the 3 Raf Characters always haven to baby sit them cuz when one dies you have to set it all up again.......Sometimes they will just go back and do what they where doing if they both died at the same time but when they die minute apart they seem to just go on there own and the onse set on Raf just stand where they died and back up and jump lol Bossland must have the buggless Version ^_^
or im just doing something wrong..........But i dunno I have the Leader Set on Levelmod and the other 2 on Raf. Using the CC's that came with HB. But still cant be ran without baby sitting =(
lmao watcha413, I appreciate your MULTIPLE postings but they were very... interesting to read. However I 100% agreed with you on the noob botters dramatically undercutting each other..
After I noticed the wall-of-text, I didn't read it whatcha. No offense man, but please break it up!