that's because it sells items based on category, i personally mail all golden lotuses to my alt, but if you want to sell them you have to add golden lostus seperatley through ID, i haven't done this because people preffer to do different things with them, but perhaps i will make different versions of the profile that will give an option, for now what you can do is load the profile go to the profile tab, select the + sign next to Sub SellOnAH, select action tab on the left, then select sell item To AH, drag it over to the profile tab underneath the Sub SellOnAH, select what you just dragged over, change auction Duration to 12 hours, change the max buy and minimum buy to what you see fit, change Use Category to False, then paste this number into the Item Entries field"72238". and there you go. Give me some time and i will add that to the profile if you don't wish to do it yourself.