I tested it for two weeks (2 ID's) now, and I have to say Ulduar is not working at all.
For thorim, the bot either stands in front of the gate without opening it or if it opens it or you open it manually, the bot just walks to the first corner and will stay there forever.
On Yogg-saron, it does not kill/attack the tentacles and will thus stuck forever. If you kill the tentacles manually, it wont enter the portals. If you enter the portals manually, it wont do anything inside yogg's head. If you kill the enemies there manually, it won't attack the brain. So if possible I'd skip ulduar for now.
Can't really rely to the other instances, because I have most of those mounts. What I can say is that Karazhan and TK is working fine.
Here you have a log
Edit: I'd like to see Vault of archavon added to the list, because it's very easy and provides the big black mammoth (feat of strength) mount.