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Gathering fast way to get banned . too many people report you and it shows what you are doing . not many real people gather 1 hour or more none stop. no one gathers 1 hour a day 7 days a week. ONLY Bots. it will take close to a hour of farming to get a stack of 200 of anything. not worth it for 300 - 500 gold
Farming embersilk cloth in bastion of in kill all the mobs in the first back out reset go in again. Takes less than 2 minutes per run
You can only do it 10 times an hour but I usually get over 100 embersilk in less than 2 minutes. While I'm waiting for the raid timer to go away I make mats.
Enchanting/tailoring works out great..make embersilk bags and make low level greens and DE the greens for hypnotic dust. It's so easy you don't even need to bot it.