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Or you could just spend 5 minutes creating your own grind spot. I know, not as easy as using one already made... but you won't be around anyone else botting if you do that
Nar Shadaa vendor location was incorrect. Was merely a matter of a misplaced decimal point. Will be uploading fixed version shortly after some testing.
Also for anyone interested, I will be releasing my own 10-55 pack within the next few weeks. Stay tuned...
Nice grinding spots. But the one between 32-36 in Taris aint so good, the mobs has the same name as neutral mobs so my hero just run there and stands there so its kinda annoying :/ Anyone know a solution to this?
First profile on Dromund Kass has problems where the character is standing below the mob. So the X and Y coordinates are right but the Z is different... You eaither need to manualy run outside of that area or make your own profle elsewhere...
The grind profile on Quesh does not seem to be working well for me. I will set my toon on the path and he will go out and fight. When he dies he will run back to the grind spot but after a few deaths he ends up just standing around and auto healing himself for hours. I ran the bot today while I went to work and it looks like the toon only went out and killed about 30 mobs and the other 7 hours just sat around in the medical bay on Quesh.