Was doing frostfire wod quests when HB shut down due to tripwire (i just glimpsed it before hb shut down as well after wow closed).
No ban (botted 9 90s so far in a span of around 2 months).
Not banned here, any reward?
2 ban reports today? U wot mate.. theres 100+ posts, and I recieved one too.Why? Because of the 2 ban reports from Today? I wouldn't exactly call 2 persons a "mass ban wave"
Damn, knew I shouldn't of used the bot I promised myself I wouldn't. A week ago I had it finish off a warlock I was leveling 98-100, only used it for 2-3 hours and monitored it the entire time. Just got hit with the 18-month ban and only used HB that one time since getting the ban unlifted.
HB must have been detected about a week ago.
4 accounts banned.
Honorbuddy Its over you have no excuse now.
is it even safe to make a new account linked to your current battlenet ? to manually play or even CR play?
I was told by a Blue just now that they have been collecting data for a few months.