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Magitek - All In One - Still going strong!

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Is there any way to make the routine use abilities a few seconds before they normally do, or is that impossible because they go off whether the debuff is active/inactive? For the Bard rotation I think having the option to being able to clip Windbite, and Venomous at around 3/2 seconds would improve DPS as opposed to them falling off to be reapplied.
very easy to do if the dev knows it's ideal rotation to do so (and is active of course)

Suggestions to improve rotations are always welcomed ^_^
very easy to do if the dev knows it's ideal rotation to do so (and is active of course)

Suggestions to improve rotations are always welcomed ^_^

Awesome, yeah if there is any way to make the dot's start to reapply when the current debuffs are at 3/2 seconds it would help increase the dps output to a more ideal level.
I'm sure not for all classes and spells. Do you have any suggestions beside for bard's Windbite and Venomous?

Edit: getting kinda off topic...
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I'm sure not for all classes and spells. Do you have any suggestions beside for bard's Windbite and Venomous?

Edit: getting kinda off topic...

I am a progression main Bard (only on T11 atm) so I can't be for sure on other jobs, but I would assume that any job that has DoT's that are a significant portion of damage (330/310 potency in regards to bards wind/venom) it's better to slightly clip them as they're ending as opposed to letting them drop then reapplying due to how the server applies ticks from the DoT's.

I don't know how the coding logic works, but if there is a way for the routine to tell what buffs you have and how much time is left, it would also be beneficial to reapply DoT's much sooner in some cases when your buffs are wearing so you get 1 and 1/2 duration of fully buffed DoT's. For example a bard's opening rotation when you've applied all dots and start your rotation you'll oft do a full reapply when your Hawk's is at 7 seconds (due to it being my first buff used as a timer when to reapply) so you have time to get both DoT's up with full buffs after the original has ticked about halfway. Openings can be handled by the player and then have the routine take over, but if routines could get to that stage, probably wouldn't even need the player anymore at that point. Also having buff alignment waits could be great (ie after buffs have been used wait until buff 1/2/4/6 are all off CD then use in this order) as opposed to use buffs as soon as they come off cooldown. There are a lot of occasions where alignment can result in better DPS even if you're stalling certain buffs, especially for bard in regards to having buffs for barrage.
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it would also be beneficial to reapply DoT's much sooner in some cases when your buffs are wearing so you get 1 and 1/2 duration of fully buffed DoT's
Don't know what you mean by 'get 1 and 1/2 duration.' And with 'in some cases,' exactly what those cases are is what we need to know :S
reapply when your Hawk's is at 7 seconds (due to it being my first buff used as a timer when to reapply) so you have time to get both DoT's up with full buffs after the original has ticked about halfway.
What's the name of the other dot? I'm not sure why you would apply at 7. When you want to reapply Hawkers you want to cast the other dot first and you only want to cast the other dot while Hawkers is falling off, not based of whether that other dot is it's self on or off? (sorry I don't know the class and if someone is maintaining all of the classes, it is doubtful he will understand them all :P)
Openings can be handled by the player and then have the routine take over, but if routines could get to that stage, probably wouldn't even need the player anymore at that point.
Pull is only active until combat is registered.
Also having buff alignment waits could be great (ie after buffs have been used wait until buff 1/2/4/6 are all off CD then use in this order) as opposed to use buffs as soon as they come off cooldown. There are a lot of occasions where alignment can result in better DPS even if you're stalling certain buffs, especially for bard in regards to having buffs for barrage.
The api exists of course, just need to know which spells to wait for what.

edit: can you post follow ups in my thread so we don't hijack this thread?
So i haven't had to many issues with Magitek but i started lvling my dragoon recently and he's 32 but as of today when i start up Fatebot he just runs to a fate and stands there until something comes into range, then kills it and goes back to standing there. Some times it works ok but more often than not it's not working. Any ideas.


So i haven't had to many issues with Magitek but i started lvling my dragoon recently and he's 32 but as of today when i start up Fatebot he just runs to a fate and stands there until something comes into range, then kills it and goes back to standing there. Some times it works ok but more often than not it's not working. Any ideas.

Try changing your pull range to 1.
Sorry that I haven't been helping with Magitek lately (although it's technically not my project :p lol). I've been pouring all of my efforts into my new CR which should be out sometime soon (if all goes well and I don't find any more bugs, which is completely possible lol). Hopefully I'll have some good news soon.
Recently, my RB has been stuck targeting mobs instead of whatever I click. It still heals my party but I can't click people to dispel or blow a big CD. This is only an issue when I heal. I tried turning off auto target but then I have to manually select my party members instead. I probably just have a wrong setting somewhere but I can't seem to find it.


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I am currently having trouble with Magitek on my WHM. I find myself either randomly targeting non-fate mobs that are close to the fate area, or not doing anything at all. I get a red message on the bot saying:
[00:40:20.543 D] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Magitek.Rotations.WhiteMage.<CreateHeal>b__87(Object r) in e:\Desktop\RebornBuddy\Routines\Magitek\Rotations\WhiteMage.cs:line 109
at Magitek.Helpers.Casting.<>c__DisplayClass3.<Cast>b__0(Object ret) in e:\Desktop\RebornBuddy\Routines\Magitek\Helpers\Casting.cs:line 23
at TreeSharp.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at ff14bot.Behavior.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Action.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at ff14bot.TreeRoot.()

Here is the full log:
View attachment 6284 2014-11-09 15.44.txt
Updated to fix fate bot not attacking.
Thank you for making the new MAGIEK, I have to download it. But I still have the same problem. What should I do?
About this“About FATE MOD, I use Magitek. When I click on the start, I can only choose the target and keep the distance (about 20), but not near the attack, unless be attacked.
PS: I'm a paladin. Pull range has been set to 1,The day before yesterday is very perfect.”
If you are still updating this, is it possible to have a better monk rotation when facing the target is facing you? All it seems to do is spam bootshine. It's not huge or anything, just makes soloing pretty annoying.
Thank you for making the new MAGIEK, I have to download it. But I still have the same problem. What should I do?
About this“About FATE MOD, I use Magitek. When I click on the start, I can only choose the target and keep the distance (about 20), but not near the attack, unless be attacked.
PS: I'm a paladin. Pull range has been set to 1,The day before yesterday is very perfect.”

Have you changed you pull distance to 1 on all 3 locations ?
Hey guys! I'm trying to get this set up to heal with a scholar but it doesn't seem to want to target and heal the same way kupo does. What settings do i have to set to get it to work? (i feel the issue is my own fault with setting it up incorrectly, not the routine itself)
Hey, I noticed that kinda since the 2.4 patch that I get a huge frame-drop when using magitek (fps drop down from 60 to 18). Does anyone else share this issue?
Also I only have this with magitek, kupo and kupper work fine.
Thank you for making the new MAGIEK, I have to download it. But I still have the same problem. What should I do?
About this“About FATE MOD, I use Magitek. When I click on the start, I can only choose the target and keep the distance (about 20), but not near the attack, unless be attacked.
PS: I'm a paladin. Pull range has been set to 1,The day before yesterday is very perfect.”
Delete your magitek folder, delete RebornBuddy/Setttings/Your Name/MagitekSettings.json, and try it again. I just tested with every single job and they all worked fine.
Delete your magitek folder, delete RebornBuddy/Setttings/Your Name/MagitekSettings.json, and try it again. I just tested with every single job and they all worked fine.

Thanks a lot! That worked also for my frame drops! =)

P.S.: just readjusted the settings for magitek and when i activated "heal alliances" in combat settings > healing mg, the game started to drop its frames again while not casting! Can anyone else confirm this?
P.P.S: while in a party (from party finder for example) i get frame drops again while not casting
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Hi, I've been using this routine with SCH, and I've noticed that a lot of the time it heals it's pet with spells other than Sustain, and I end up missing a lot of healing during that time, is there a way I can stop healing my pet?
With all basic routines (conjurer), sometimes it tends to get in range of an enemy, target it but not actually do anything. Range is set to 25. Using fate bot.
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