Well magitek is not maintained anymore, still better than kupo though. Have you tried giving ultima a try? Not very many options with it though.
It's been a long time since i used my monk with magitek. It was ok at 50, couldn't really do the 'top' dps compared to other players due to clipping according to others though.
Keep getting this error
[04:41:42.260 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Desktop\RB\Routines\Magitek\Helpers\Items.cs(19,42) : warning CS0162: Unreachable code detected
[04:41:42.260 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Desktop\RB\Routines\Magitek\Helpers\Items.cs(19,72) : error CS0117: 'ff14bot.Managers.InventoryManager' does not contain a definition for 'Slots'
[04:41:42.260 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Desktop\RB\Routines\Magitek\Helpers\Items.cs(35,52) : error CS0117: 'ff14bot.Managers.InventoryManager' does not contain a definition for 'Slots'
I cannot attach a log because it does not exist
Am I the only one for some weird reason getting really bad frame rate drops with Magitek? :s
Are you using ExCombatAssist?
I'm guessing so, although I can't say why. Magitek with CombatAssist works fine for me, but EXCA lags badly when there's a lot of players like WoD.
Wanted to try healing on my WHM, and all I'm seeing is red and odd behavior.
Log attached
This combat routine is no longer maintained.
Is it just me or is anyone else experiencing "heavy unplayable lags" on SCH since last patch? -> Healing isnt possible anymore since last patch ?