I cant load a profile from it is there something i did wrong
Sorry that is a crapy explanation I downloaded the profile and extracted it to routines then did the svn update. I then looked at the files and they was all there but when i log in to the game and load the bot i go to load profile and i go to specialization nothing there not sure if there is something i am dong wrong.
This CR does is great!
Does a ton of damage, it's coded really well.
I have a question though.
I play fire, does it cast scorch when moving?
I have premium
hi millz
can you fix this 2 problem please since its hug for someone raid normal bosses
1- when i fight thok the bloodthirsty normal mode no matter what i do when i target ( kor'kron jailer ) the add in p2 the routine stand with no attack but when i switch to boss target the routine work again its like when i enter the combat in this fight routine only attack the boss since u put the code for deafening screech i think
2- can you set option to set Living Bomb to one traget or 2 since i missed up all fight in paragons of the klaxxi becuse u have to dps only one target but routine keep puting living bomb on all the 3 witch fucked all the fight i went to frost specc to avoid this thing !!!
sorry for my bad English but i hope you get the point)
Anyone willing to help me figure out on ilvl 520 why I cant seem to get past 120k dps?
Target dummy / raid? What spec? What's your gear like (gemmed/enchanted/reforged correctly etc)?
If that's against a target dummy it's probably about right.
I made a change to fix this last night. What happens if you enable the experimental CanCast method - does it work then (was working for me last night using it).
That fixed it thanks.
I found it spamming Evocation as if it were a damaging spell?
How do i buy the full version so i can afk some BGs? Please PM me. Thanks in advance.
Let me know your numbers if its a 10/25 man, lfr,raid or flex, i have a 540 ilvl mage and im reaching around 250k consistent dps, i burst on shamans for 800k, this is with normal 10man with flask and 300 food buff;-) interested to know your numbers, thankies
Burst is somewhat higher cause of higher Ilvl, consistent dps depends on how often you have to move in this fight.I think Boss 2 is better to draw comparisons.
Burst DPS could be higher with special Starting Rota: Blast till 4 Stacks, Missiles only when have two and than starting Multidotting, after that normal rota. Only if it?s a multitarget fight.
If we have to move and mana is high enough the cc should use Arcane Explosion to save our stacks (if target is in range) and possible procc arcane missiles. When we stand in our next RoP we could use Missiles or Arcane Blast bevore barrage is casted. This would be a dps increase (T16 Setbonus will make a good use of this)
What level are you? Which tier 6 talent do you have? I'll check it out.
Have way too much haste (over 10k)
Hey Millz, Blizzard is always a dps loss for Frostmages. This Skill should be erased *gg*.
Invocation, it doesn't do it constantly. I find it spamming it out of combat when i have a mob targeted.
Sometimes in combat, not as often as the other.
Im loving Portal couple questions i read some of this thread but not all so if answered im sorry just direct me.
so 1 am i blind or is there no option for use of my conjured food/water or any food/water my mage wont eat/drink also 2nd: where can i buy the paid version if there is one i love your route thanks!