And what was said a few posts up. Disable everything thats not needed and that includes spec's you are not in.
I have a settings file for each spec and even for some bosses that have a different requirement like Blackhand.
One thing that makes it a lot smoother is PC settings only have the conditions you actually need as by default there are to many options checked because the default settings file is set for every class to use.
And some brain power goes a long way. Like on Gruul set you 2 rune of power at your marker then pre pot, pre cast Abl to land when the counter hits 0 then blink to your rune of power. Simple things like that make a huge difference.
The truth is if you get a bad start your dps is always going to be crap through the fight because of the way damage meters read that data.
Your gear stats now count more than ilvl I'd rather drop 5 ilvls to get right stats than have the higher ilvl.
Bottom line you need to know the class and be checking trinket procs ect to get the most out of any routine and know and think about the fights your going to be doing.
For fire spec I am lucky to not have any issues with it other than the rng nature of it. I have done bosses when I am doing 10-15k less than normal simply because I cannot get the ignite high enough only to kill boss got to trash pack and do 350k on a trash pack. you need to be able to tell if it's the routine making the mistake or simple rng.
I see a lot of ppl having issues with tier 17 bonus and combustion trick if that is you post a log so Mills can actually see what is happening in your case.
If you are having a setup issue be specific about what you need help with and how it is affecting you. Just sticking a post looking for a settings file wont work because everyone plays there class different.
I think most of the things people should already understand about your class and spec. Like mastery is the king of arcane, without you yeah you are not going to be able to do a lot of dmg, but I would assume that most people already understand to properly gear themselves. But as someone who understands this and is properly geared, I can say its not the problem. I think telling people they should be using their brain, bursting when they need to manually and making sure they blow their cooldowns to make things optimal is kind of a cop-out. It is a bot for a reason, people buy it for a reason and buy the CR for a reason. Mostly people don't want to be doing all that, and being a bot it can be programmed to do it for you, that's just common sense.
I think taking out the superfluous does help, just not enough. As I said there are just weird little things that probably make all the difference that the bot doesn't seem to figure out.
I also think people need to understand a few things about how Blizzard has changed encounters. On fights where you are constantly moving, you will never be top dps, its just not going to happen. Blink and Icy Floes are great but it won't fix everything. BTW the expectation that the bot should be at the DPS charts isn't out of the question, after all it handles the nonsense that is the blizzard rotation, which is pretty much how to maximize damage. A bot should be at the top just based on that because it can handle the workload, and for sure all the little things to add extra dps do not account for the 90% you should be getting just because you should have a perfect rotation, after all the bot doesn't get tired, it doesn't feel pain, or hit the wrong keys or need to worry about things of that nature.
The pre-pots, the not wasting mana, the "little" things should account for very little in terms of damage over all.