I meant.
If Arcane Power is running out (under 3 sec) and 1 arcane missiles charge is up. The bot still casts arcane blast. thats why it should be AM>AB with overpowered specced.
Hey Millz
Yeah sorry for the brief post. Accually got the CC to work after a few restarts of HB. The first few times it was standing there dong half of what it used to do. Ill look at my logs to see if there is anything to spot. But i had a long time between arcane blast casts and stuff like that. After a few restarts tho, it seemed to work alot better.
Is the CC updated for 6.1? And is it updated to use set bonuses?
Anybody doing Mythic raiding that understands the best way to configure the settings of this bot perfectly please add me on skype: larbyamirouche and I'll pay $25/hr or a higher flat rate for support in understanding how to configure the different settings for each raid encounter.
Millz - This all relates to high end Mythic raiding below:
So now that Method is 10/10 their main mage has posted which specs are best and talents etc. Fire is used much more than I would have thought - almost half the fights. The reason for this has to do with living bomb explosion on multiple adds doing actual single target damage. So for Beastlord for example - what should be happening is that the boss is always the target - when adds come out - use IB to spread a living bomb about to explode and then spread another fresh LB out. So in this way - we have all those adds getting two Living Bomb explosions each. This isn't meter padding - it is a way to take advantage of the presence of adds to get more Living Bomb damage on to the boss.
" if you're doing it right, LB will do much more damage to the adds than Combustion. And those adds are key to keeping up your damage on the boss as well; you want to get 2 LB explosions from each pack by spreading a LB that will explode soon onto them, then spreading another one once the first blows up."
This would be the same concept on Blast Furnace as well as Operator Thogar
Depending what type of guide your use, because for example the alter time guide have too much boss in arcane that fire and he have 9/10 mythic too
Sugge's [Mage] Guide to Blackrock Foundry [Heroic] - General Discussion - Altered Time Forums
And in my opinion, i dont understand why he say that in Flamebender and Hans better fire that Arcane, this 2 encounters dont have heavy movement, and when you dont to move always is better Arcane.
Whats is your problem? If configure for each boss is to easy, this is the recomendation Method guide
Just wondering how to calculate or whats the best config for Combustion/Ignite
View attachment 170082
Hey millz, can you add an option to disable bombing around target without disabling AoE? Because if i turn off AoE it does not cast Flamestrike =/. (For 5 or more enemies that are stacked together, continue performing your single-target rotation on one of them and cast Flamestrike and Dragon's Breath (glyphed, if possible) on cooldown.)
An option for Dragon's Breath only in AoE would be nice too.
Thank you in advance
Millz - This all relates to high end Mythic raiding below:
So now that Method is 10/10 their main mage has posted which specs are best and talents etc. Fire is used much more than I would have thought - almost half the fights. The reason for this has to do with living bomb explosion on multiple adds doing actual single target damage. So for Beastlord for example - what should be happening is that the boss is always the target - when adds come out - use IB to spread a living bomb about to explode and then spread another fresh LB out. So in this way - we have all those adds getting two Living Bomb explosions each. This isn't meter padding - it is a way to take advantage of the presence of adds to get more Living Bomb damage on to the boss.
" if you're doing it right, LB will do much more damage to the adds than Combustion. And those adds are key to keeping up your damage on the boss as well; you want to get 2 LB explosions from each pack by spreading a LB that will explode soon onto them, then spreading another one once the first blows up."
This would be the same concept on Blast Furnace as well as Operator Thogar
Hello, I am using Enyo botbase with this profile and the default Questing settings. Movement is ticked in settings, but I cant move at all with my character while combat. Why? Sorry if it is a stupid question maybe, but I have just started using this.
Speaking of Ignite ... Mills, would you please consider taking advantage of the 45% reduced cast time of fireball at 3 ignition stacks for Fire PVP? I really like utilizing scorch as opposed to fireball in PVP combat, but 3 scorches (which can easily be obtained) yields about a 1.1 second fireball to the face. When the "use scorch" is checked it will use scorch even when stationary, which is cool, but I want it to kick out a fireball when I'm stationary and have 3 stacks of ignition.
thanks in advance,