The routine mage freezes if we stay there but kept on moving, is this normal ?
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Millz will you translate the Config Interface to German? Greetz
Just did a minor test again, tried disabling anti lag and enabling it again, 0 change.. Just ran around using bomb on frogs which luckily was being agro'd by other players, at the end it engaged 1 frog while another spawned behind me, still the same just standing there with bomb on frog 1, no other abilities used and dying at 10 stacks.
How about instead of casting combustion when it is over a certain damage number, cast it when your character has no instant pyroblast procs, or heating up procs but is also over a certain damage number. Because it will often cast 2 pyros, cast my combustion, but I have a third pyro sitting there that would add a lot more combustion damage
New build up. Will take some time for approval.
[21/Oct/2014 - Beta]
- [Fire] Combustion is now used when over the ignite value and all Pyroblast! procs have been used.
- [Fire] Experimental Rotation -> Pyroblast is force cast if Combustion needed.
- [Fire] Will now cast Fireball when Ice Floes active.
- Fixed Ring of Frost.
Translations aren't high on my priority list at the moment. Still need to get the old Chinese and Russian ones added back in. It takes a lot of time to do though.
Hey - You've hit a bug. Remove the Ring of Frost talent for now. I'll get it fixed today.
Yeah sounds like a plan. Will add a condition to combustion to over the ignite value and no pyroblast procs.
Did some testing on all 3 spec today and they all looking nice but seen some issue.
Frost it will cast icy veins as soon as burst is enable I would like to see it cast that with trinkets and 2*ice lance and a ffb proc I did try the setting for it but didnt seem to work. Not sure if that is correct way to go about it but it's what i been reading.
frost bomb casts on cooldown is that correct?
Also had some issue with hot keys registering twice so very hard to turn burst on/off.tested my keyboard it's not the issue and it only happened on frost.
For arcane I noticed a issue that if 2 mages are close and you are standing on there RoP it will not cast ours, also noticed that if I had a proc of AM and at 4 AC it will still cast arcane blast before cast the proc of AM. not a big deal untill you have 3 AM proc's and it cast 2*Blast before casting the AM proc's. I lost a AM proc a few times over this.
Fire seems to still have issues but nothing I can put my finger on, will spend more time with it later this week.
I did notice a issue that happens with every spec, say I switch from mirror image to RoP with out restarting HB then the new talent will not work or be flaky.
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Looking better over all atm thanks for all your work.
P.S. with the changes made to std and exp fire rotations could you confirm what they are doing differently please
HELLO MILZ, your site gives me problems when I click on the link for the coupon to lower my buddy routine from store. svn put my details and I get errors all the time
Thanks in advance
For frost I'll leave the Icy Veins being cast right off to Millz, the setting for 2 IL + 1 FFB in the config should be working, but maybe having an issue there, and that is the way to use it, not just on cd. Also for Frost bomb its not used on CD like in the old days since its primary purpose is to buff casts going into the guy you only apply Frost Bomb or refresh it (if it is about to expire) if one of the following condition holds (let it drop otherwise): (1) if you have 2 charges of Fingers of Frost or; (2) Frozen Orb is about to come off cooldown.
For frost I'll leave the Icy Veins being cast right off to Millz, the setting for 2 IL + 1 FFB in the config should be working, but maybe having an issue there, and that is the way to use it, not just on cd. Also for Frost bomb its not used on CD like in the old days since its primary purpose is to buff casts going into the guy you only apply Frost Bomb or refresh it (if it is about to expire) if one of the following condition holds (let it drop otherwise): (1) if you have 2 charges of Fingers of Frost or; (2) Frozen Orb is about to come off cooldown.
Yea thats what I thought was the case with frost bomb but wasnt sure millz had a reason for it to be casting on cooldown.