The only things that portal will cast for me since latest update is temporal shield, and ice floes. Any idea whats up with that?
What settings i need to do exactly so DoT bomb all targets in the arena in any % of HP?
the settings question there is not clear, so i dont know how much % to chose.
Hey mills any update on optimizing the fire rotation? I've read it's not very good with portal but would really love to play as fire!
Hey guys, just wanna know if portal is working for you with BGbuddy or not.
I am using the premium version of Portal and I am having some problems with CC suddenly stop casting. When I looked at the logs I realized this
[18:11:58.741 D] [Portal ~ Debug] Entered Combat
[18:11:59.460 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 97.1] [Charges: 0] [Using Item: Chronomancer Gloves]
[18:11:59.600 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 97.1] [Charges: 0] [Using Item: 76093] [Reason: PotJS -> Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp]
[18:11:59.609 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 97.1] [Charges: 0] [Casting: Mirror Image] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m] [Id: 31146]
[18:12:00.637 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 98] [Charges: 0] [Using Item: Chronomancer Gloves]
[18:12:01.019 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Charges: 0] [Using Item: Chronomancer Gloves]
[18:12:07.155 V] [Portal] [DoTManager] [Low Duration] Current stats are 17.94737% stronger than applied Living Bomb on Raider's Training Dummy.
[18:12:07.161 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Charges: 0] [Casting: Living Bomb] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.8m] [Id: 31146]
[18:12:07.587 V] [Portal] [DoTManager Added - Living Bomb] [Int:32764] [Crit:26.95814] [Haste:0.5433772] [Mast:23.39833]
[18:12:08.176 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 98.5] [Charges: 0] [Using Item: Chronomancer Gloves]
[18:12:08.788 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Charges: 0] [Using Item: Chronomancer Gloves]
[18:12:10.082 V] [Portal] [DoTManager Added - Living Bomb] [Int:54885] [Crit:35.68898] [Haste:0.5433772] [Mast:23.39833]
[18:12:11.918 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Charges: 1] [Using Item: Chronomancer Gloves]
[18:12:19.287 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Charges: 1] [Casting: Living Bomb] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.5m] [Id: 31146]
[18:12:20.312 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 98.5] [Charges: 1] [Using Item: Chronomancer Gloves]
[18:12:20.901 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Charges: 1] [Using Item: Chronomancer Gloves]
[18:12:21.915 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Charges: 0] [Using Item: Chronomancer Gloves]
[18:12:29.012 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Charges: 0] [Casting: Living Bomb] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.6m] [Id: 31146]
[18:12:29.433 V] [Portal] [DoTManager Added - Living Bomb] [Int:24816] [Crit:23.82118] [Haste:0.5433772] [Mast:23.39833]
[18:12:30.035 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 98.5] [Charges: 0] [Using Item: Chronomancer Gloves]
[18:12:30.957 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Charges: 0] [Using Item: Chronomancer Gloves]
[18:12:35.043 D] [Portal ~ Debug] Combat ended after 36.3020026 seconds
It seems its not able to detect the Synapse spring has already been cast. This is not happening always and happens once in a while, can you do something to fix this . It is messing up my rotation.
Millz - I am sorry to say - but 100% confirmed no other gloves in bag. I deleted the ones in bank too just in case. Anything else i should try? It doesnt happen all the time, but when it does, its of course in the middle of a boss fight or a burn phase or when I am close to ranking and rocking my warlock buddy and then he beats me and crows about it lol.
Presence of mind when someone healing not working. If you see on log it used i did manuel.
View attachment 125098
[13:41:28.599 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 81.6] [BF: False] [FoF: 0] [Casting: Presence of Mind] [On: Lvl 90 Horde DeathKnight (flagged: False) @ 80.3% - 392.7k] [Id: 0]
[13:41:29.173 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 84.1] [BF: False] [FoF: 0] [Casting: Polymorph] [On: Lvl 90 Horde Priest (flagged: False) @ 100.0% - 540.2k] [Id: 0]
Is there some reason portal free casts evocation when not in group and just standing around at bank?
appears to only do this when targeting someone, including self
The only things that portal will cast for me since latest update is temporal shield, and ice floes. Any idea whats up with that?
Seems to be casting it fairly often, like this:
Code:[13:41:28.599 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 81.6] [BF: False] [FoF: 0] [Casting: Presence of Mind] [On: Lvl 90 Horde DeathKnight (flagged: False) @ 80.3% - 392.7k] [Id: 0] [13:41:29.173 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 84.1] [BF: False] [FoF: 0] [Casting: Polymorph] [On: Lvl 90 Horde Priest (flagged: False) @ 100.0% - 540.2k] [Id: 0]
As i told you i did it manually always.
Not using scorch at all, even when moving? Post a logfile.with the fire mage spec its only casting fire ball which is 2.5 second cast and its not mixxing it up with scorch or any of the other spells
I can confirm that the "gloves" bug does seem to be happening quite often now, I had to reload the bot mid combat last night to get it to clear. Had no other gloves in my bag at all. Can we not tell it to stop trying for 60 seconds if it fails a few times? I've had to disable it for the moment, interestingly this seems to have improved performance as well. Had a quick glance at my logs and it does seem to take about 10 attempts to cast it even when it's working quite often and probably once every 20 boss fights bugs out completely.
What about if it is attempting to use them mid cast?
Millz, i dusted off my mage and started raiding with it again, nice to see the CR still shines
Something that bothered me though, can you let the CR print the usage of the hotkeys in the HB log screen ?
i now have to put it on in settings on the last page to let it print in my wow chat screen the pressing of aoe and cooldowns and stuff but i realy do not like to do that at all after the drama with pqr, especially as it clearly prints '[PORTAL] AOE rotation enabled' in the chat window!
Hi Millz, your CR is amazing congraz !
I have just one problem, i used our premium CR and i've activated "Manual cast detection" but don't work with me.
For exemple, when i want to use my RoP, i press my keybind (Ctrl+4), but the CR doesn't pause and continue dps.
With any Thuana CR, auto-pause on manual cast work perfectly, I hope your too !
Sorry for my bad English !
Hey - It doesn't work with modifiers (ctrl/alt/shift). Had to remove them to handle the hotkey stuff.
I try with my spell on kb "0", and doesn't work :/