I'm getting the following error:
Logging in...
Error - Endscene hook failed: Could not find Device.
Attached to WoW with ID 4176
After searching the forums as much as I could...in the last 30 minutes. I saw to change to DX9, which I have. which helped get passed my first error which was it not logging in, in any way. Now I get this error. Just purchased HB and would really love to get this started. Not sure why there isn't an easily accessible/find able instruction booklet of some sort. but anyway! if you could please help that would be very very very much appreciated.
Logging in...
Error - Endscene hook failed: Could not find Device.
Attached to WoW with ID 4176
After searching the forums as much as I could...in the last 30 minutes. I saw to change to DX9, which I have. which helped get passed my first error which was it not logging in, in any way. Now I get this error. Just purchased HB and would really love to get this started. Not sure why there isn't an easily accessible/find able instruction booklet of some sort. but anyway! if you could please help that would be very very very much appreciated.