IB2 seems to have been in the works forever .......
I am sorry but can you imagine the amount of thought, consideration and coding that goes into each one of these instnaces to make them automatic..
i have no relationship in the slighest to this or any other project on this forum but here i sit in awe of the hard working people that allows you to have wow running and you not being there to mash the buttons.
Correct me if i am wrong but to consider automating an instnace you need to break down each segement of the instnaces into healer, melee, ranged dps and tank. then create each role and i would assume allocate classes and talent builds to each class for the bot to pick its role.
For each boss fight and trash mob you would have to script positions timing identifiy inturrupt spells for bosses.
and this is for a simple tank and spank encounter.. imagine having to script and instance where you have to move due the floor falling away or the grounding sheild section of vortex pinicle where the bot would have to correct indentify and react to changes to the environment dynamically and quickly.
and the previously mentioned short cuts in instances how do you dynamically decide where to take them and when to take them.
ANd most likely the custom behaviours for some fights which would be required.
So i guess this a rant on how come its been in the works for so long, and considering that this is a breif glimps of the whats happening in the bot.
If i am misguided on anything i have raised please correct me as i am performing pure guess work here, and am guessing based on how i would see the scripts working.