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[Lisbeth] Your own personal crafter!

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1.I wander if the Starry Night Miter will do RS until one CSII could finish it.

For example i chose Spirits-of-Salt Lis did RS 4 times and finished it that i couldn't make HQ.

2.i chose Weaver's recipes like Silver-Brocade. it turned into the Cashmere Cloth window and told don't know the recipe.
I think maybe it's the CN_RB or CN version problem i'll test it Order later.
Now, I'm sure it's the CNRB's problem.

I'd also be interested if you tried this with Order Bot and got the same problem. Lisbeth uses recipe IDs to interact with Rebornbuddy, the names are always translated to IDs before doing anything, they're just there for convenience. So if the IDs are the same for the CN version, there shouldn't be those kinds of problems.

Changed the SVN URL, if you had already made the SVN folder, change the URL to https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/lisbeth/Lisbeth

I did this to add Agil and Zekken to the SVN. Also, some important fixes:

- The bot can now move. It's working with Agil fairly well. However, Lisbeth uses Agil differently from other bot bases, due to this if you have Agil installed in order to disable / enable while using Lisbeth you have to change the option in Settings. You'll see it there.

- Fixed bugs with order planning, it should now tell you the correct missing ingredients.
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Changed the SVN URL, if you had already made the SVN folder, change the URL to https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/lisbeth/Lisbeth

I did this to add Agil and Zekken to the SVN. Also, some important fixes:

- The bot can now move. It's working with Agil fairly well. However, Lisbeth uses Agil differently from other bot bases, due to this if you have Agil installed in order to disable / enable while using Lisbeth you have to change the option in Settings. You'll see it there.

- Fixed bugs with order planning, it should now tell you the correct missing ingredients.

>.< yeah i shoulda looked here before the excitement of the SVN carried me away....
im at a loss here cause i already have 2 seperate RB directories because its easier to dual box/bot, as i avoid having to copy paste a key everytime i setup. wish that was simplified.
Zekken should be fine, it is still not on the svn. Agil and lisbeth you must use the svn now. Delete Cardinal entirely. Keep the Agil folder in plugins, Lisbeth folder in botbases and each eith their own svn.
Is there any plan to add an option where the bot will use a rotation i want it to use? I mean for crafting, most likely you're just spamming things you've made a million times. And most people have macros for these things.

I am just wondering if you could add an option where the bot will use these skills in the order i want them for specific items. OR if they can just press my macro for me. At this point, it is trying to maximize the amount of stacks on inner quiet, which isnt necessary for crafting low level stuff.
@Susurrus How many of them did you ask to make in the order?

@tenco Yes, Starry Night Miter's logic is such that it has two phases. During the first phase, it'll leave the craft one Careful Synth away from finishing by using Rapid Synthesis. After that goal is reached, it'll start increasing quality. How it does the quality is a little complex, but basically it always tries to leave enough CP for a big Byregot finisher. It'll Comfort Zone if it expects that it'll at least pay itself. It'll Steady when needed, and do Hasty -> Mend at 20 dura cycles. But always reserving enough CP for a Byregot + Great Strides + Innovation. When it reaches 20 durability, it has two options, the finisher or the mend for another cycle of hasty. How it decides is thus: If I mend, will I have enough CP the next time I reach 20 durability to do the finisher while expecting at least one tricks to happen before that, and also taking into account Comfort Zone gains until that. Then when this is no longer true, it does the finisher that cycle. If during the finisher sequence, Steady drops, it'll replace Innovation for Steady. If an Excellent happens during the sequence, it'll prefer to Byregot then and there.

I haven't been able to test it cause I don't have a high level crafter, but Miter has been helping me in this regard; he was the one who told me the general thought process he goes through when crafting 3-4 star stuff, so I put it in. So far he's told me it gives good results. But you require the cross class skills and enough craftmanship + control stats, and specify those in the Settings window. There's also no reclaim logic yet, so tread carefully.

The logic is quite good for high level , no question.
The problem is when you do a middle-level one (1star/2star) the RS will finished it directly.
But i understand at this early stage, we don't have too much Strategies.
Except strategie, this plugin awesome. Thanks !!
@tenco I see the problem now, during that first phase it stops with the rapid synthesis when it's one careful synthesis away from finishing. But it doesn't check to see if the next rapid synthesis will finish it prematurely. I'll change it on the next update.

Strategies are something that can be expanded on, the problem is that I don't have a high level crafter and am not that good at crafting, so I need people to tell me what their strategy is. Just to clarify, a strategy is different from a fixed rotation. I'm also going to implement fixed rotations, what I'm thinking is to have a "library" of them, and each to have specific requirements to use them. So when the bot starts crafting, it'll first check if any fixed rotation will get you 100% HQ with no chance of failure, and if so use that. Else it'll go for strategies.

If you guys have a fixed rotation that guarantees 100% HQ when you have certain stats and the recipe is of a certain level / durability, then I can implement it if you give me a link with it using FFXIVCrafter.com - Crafting Simulator and Recipe Database for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. On the other hand, if you guys have a strategy you'd like implemented that you use to craft hard things, if you can explain it to me I can code it in. This is what Miter did for Stary Night Miter.

With the new version of Rebornbuddy, Lisbeth is broken. Give me some time and I'll fix it.
yeah exactly the day I say this it updates and I begin flipping out because of all the errors, but really well done on the quick update. Thanks for the hard work :3
Would it just be easier to add a macros folder, so you can choose either a macro or a strategy, a macro just being a txt file with a ingame macro that people can save. I imagine a lot of people have different macros for different things, I personally have about 15 that I use for a large variety of things.
Yeah, what I'm thinking is I'll let people make their own macros by specifying a Yaml text file, and what recipes the macro is for, so it would look something like:

Name: My Super Awesome Macro

  - Aldgoat Leather
  - Iron Ingot
  - Silver Ingot

  - Careful Synthesis II
  - Hasty Touch
  - Careful Synthesis II

So the bot will compile those macros on start, and choose them if any order contains one of those recipes specified there over the strategies. You wouldn't need to specify the macro in the order file, it would be chosen automatically. This would be very fixed though, no special "If more than 3 stacks blah blah" just purely fixed step by step. For anything more sophisticated it's better to make a strategy. This macros would be used automatically when crafting the required components for an order.
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I was just wondering if auto class change is supported yet, cause I have set the settings to correspond to the numbers in my list but I always get the same error

[12:13:00.758 N] [Lisbeth] I was trying to change the class to make something,
but couldn't find the gear set for Weaver.

*edit* Had to do update via SVN, but i got a conflict in the order and settings file, after messing around a bit ( I'm not that savvy with code and stuff, but i know some really basic principles) i got it to work after merging the settings file, the weird thing is it says.

Craftmanship: 0
Control: 0
UseAgil: True
UseAgil: False
UseHqMatsFirst: True
Debug: False
Armorer: 14
Culinarian: 4
Weaver: 6
Carpenter: 1
Alchemist: 17
Blacksmith: 18
Goldsmith: 12
Leatherworker: 11

As you can see UseAgil is marked as True and False. but hey Lisbeth autoswitches now and if it ain't broke don't fix it ^^
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It seems SVN doesn't play nice with those yaml text files my plugins use. I would ideally switch to make everything on the window as checkboxes and such, but I just hate windows forms. What I would suggest is that you delete everything that is on the Rebornbuddy/Botbases/Lisbeth/Data folder before updating with the SVN. You'll have to input your settings again afterwards.

Settings should look like:

Craftmanship: 0
Control: 0
UseAgil: True
UseHqMatsFirst: True
Debug: False
UseMacros: False
  Carpenter: 9
  Goldsmith: 10
  Alchemist: 11
  Armorer: 12
  Culinarian: 14
  Weaver: 17
  Blacksmith: 18
  Leatherworker: 19
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