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Lionheart - Fury Warrior CC


Feb 8, 2010

UPDATE 07/07/11 - I am currently looking for someone to take over this project as I am no longer able to spend time on it. Please contact me via PM if you are interested. Thank you.

This is a very basic CC that I developed to help me pull more DPS in dungeons on my Fury Warrior. It has only been tested with Nesox' Combat/Heal Bot but may also work with the MrAutoFight plugin.

* Disclaimer - This CC cannot be used with normal Grind Bot, Questing, PvP or any other bots because there is no movement or range checks yet.

Rotation and spec taken from MaxDPS. Assumes you have Raging Blow and Bloodsurge talented.

I have very little coding experience so please feel free to pick this apart and suggest improvements/enhancements. I'd like to make this a learning experience and hopefully I will be able to expand to other classes as well, if my schedule permits.

What it does:

Eats at 50% HP

Checks for Battle Shout and buffs every 30 sec.
Uses Berserker Rage whenever it's off cooldown

DPS rotation
Boss greater than 20% health
  1. Heroic Strike - only as a rage dump when rage above 60
  2. Colossus Smash
  3. Raging Blow - when enraged
  4. Bloodthirst
  5. Slam (Only on Bloodsurge proc)
Boss less than 20% health
  1. Execute spam

Cooldowns (Tested and working great)
When encountering a target with max health over 1million HP (bosses), it will blow all cooldowns once the target reaches 90% (to allow time for the tank to gain aggro)
  • Recklessness
  • Death Wish

What it doesn't do:
Just about everything and anything else
No movement
No targeting
No pull logic

Change Log/ToDo:

Initial Release

ADDED: Add detection and AoE

ADDED: Lifeblood support
UPDATED: Combat code
REMOVED: Log spam

ADDED: Caster detection and Pummel support
CHANGED: Battle Shout will now be applied any time it's off cooldown
CHANGED: Berserker Rage will now be applied any time it's off cooldown

UPDATED: Caster detection code should work better
ADDED: CombatBot_NoMovement.cs - place this in your Bots folder, so it won't overwrite the standard CombatBot.cs


REMOVED: Caster detection was buggy, so I removed it
CHANGED: Pummel will now only be used when the current target is casting
CHANGED: Add detection should now only count adds within 5 yds when deciding to use WW and Cleave


UPDATED: Combat logic to correct issues using Bloodthirst and Colossus Smash

TO DO: Add Victory Rush when not in a group, for the self-heal

KNOWN ISSUE(S): Uses Berserker Rage when already "Enraged". I'm having some trouble getting it to identify the proper aura for Enrage. Will continue to see if I can find a fix.

Installation instructions:
  1. Copy the Lionheart CC to your Honorbuddy/Custom Classes folder
  2. Copy the CombatBot_NoMovement.cs to your Honorbuddy/Bots folder (back up your existing CombatBot.cs first)
  3. Save the blank.xml profile wherever you keep your profiles
  4. Load Honorbuddy
  5. Choose Combat/Heal Bot 1.0 from the dropdown
  6. Load the blank.xml profile
  7. Hit start and select Lionheart as your CC
  8. Enjoy!

I would like to thank CodeNameGamma for publishing his CC writing guide, it helped me get started on this. I'd also like to thank Mordd, bobby53 and Wired420 for writing some awesome CCs that I was able to learn a lot from. Thanks to Apoc for the Castspell wrapper. Cheers to Nesox for letting me post the edited version of his CombatBot!

Use at your own risk. Updates will come sparingly as I have time, please be patient. Feedback (good and bad) is welcome but please keep it civil. Thanks and enjoy.


Last edited:
Updated to v0.2
ADDED: Add detection and AoE

Thanks CodeNameGamma!
Last edited:
Updated to v0.3
ADDED: Lifeblood support
UPDATED: Combat code
FIXED: Log spam

If you try it out, please leave feedback. Thanks!
i failed to read

This is basically to be used ONLY WITH MRAUTOFIGHT or Nesox's Combat/Heal Bot. It doesn't target, it doesn't move, it doesn't do anything at all except go through your DPS rotation. This is basically a bare bones DPS rotational CC. You do all the controls. Plain and simple. You do all movement and targeting while the CC only does the DPS rotation.
Yes, AoE and Single target DPS only. Nothing else.

That's correct. I'm adding some targeting in the next version to support Pummel. It will detect casting mobs in melee range, target them and then cast Pummel to interrupt spellcasting. Still no movement though, so if the caster is out of melee range you will have to move to it manually. This is how I intended the CC to work because it simply does more DPS in dungeons than I can do if I play by hand.

There are already 2 great Warrior CCs available for standard botting, I made this specifically for those who want to play but not mash buttons. And so far it does a really nice job. I use the Combat/Heal bot with the movement sections commented out so it does not follow the tank in dungeons.

If you test it out, let me know what you think and what kind of DPS you get. Cheers!
Last edited:
That's correct. I'm adding some targeting in the next version to support Pummel. It will detect casting mobs in melee range, target them and then cast Pummel to interrupt spellcasting. Still no movement though, so if the caster is out of melee range you will have to move to it manually. This is how I intended the CC to work because it simply does more DPS in dungeons than I can do if I play by hand.

There are already 2 great Warrior CCs available for standard botting, I made this specifically for those who want to play but not mash buttons. And so far it does a really nice job. I use the Combat/Heal bot with the movement sections commented out so it does not follow the tank in dungeons.

If you test it out, let me know what you think and what kind of DPS you get. Cheers!

So you commented ( // ) out the movement portions of the "Combat/Heal Bot" in HB, or was that in a CC? If you did it in the bot, can you tell me what lines, exactly, you commented out?
I'm only going to post my edits, but if Nesox asks me to remove them I will.

Open CombatBot.cs in your Honorbuddy/Bots folder;

On Line 39 - Find CreateFollowBehavior()
and add // in front of it

On line 232 - Find #region Follow Behavior
and add /* in front of it

On line 282 - Find the second to last #endregion
and add */ after it

That will disable all movement being handled by the Combat/Heal Bot.
Last edited:
if you like help to get this one to a proper class I'm able to help with rotations perfect or if it has this amount of rage or so do that etc kinda of behaviours.

I'm a warrior for 6 years raiding in end content heroic mode, so can deffinatly help you out if it's needed, just tell me what you need.
You Sir are my hero

Had been thinking about having something like this, for my Fury warrior as the button mashing gets old

Just used it with Combat Bot / Mr. Auto fight in a Normal Dungeon (Halls of Origination) on my 85 Fury Warrior and set in 2nd Place and occasionally first with 7700-8000 DPS. A bit more than I tend to do by hand even.

This is going to make my dungeons much funner I think.
if you like help to get this one to a proper class I'm able to help with rotations perfect or if it has this amount of rage or so do that etc kinda of behaviours.

I'm a warrior for 6 years raiding in end content heroic mode, so can deffinatly help you out if it's needed, just tell me what you need.

Thanks for the offer, if I do decide to make this into a full CC I will definitely get in touch with you. As of right now it's doing everything I had originally planned it would do, just basic combat rotation for maximum DPS output. The addition of Pummel support in the next release may or may not decrease overall DPS slightly but I think it will be a good contribution for the groups' survivability.

You Sir are my hero

Had been thinking about having something like this, for my Fury warrior as the button mashing gets old

Just used it with Combat Bot / Mr. Auto fight in a Normal Dungeon (Halls of Origination) on my 85 Fury Warrior and set in 2nd Place and occasionally first with 7700-8000 DPS. A bit more than I tend to do by hand even.

This is going to make my dungeons much funner I think.

That's great news! I have been having similar results in my dungeons, but my Warrior just recently hit 85 so now I have to get him geared up and see how he does in Heroics, etc. Glad you like the CC.
Is it possible to do a refresh of Battle Shout every 30 seconds? Since most fury warriors have the 30 second shout.

Maybe once you get better at coding, you can set settings from Battle Shout/Commanding Shout :)

Also, it's not using Berserker Rage for some reason. (It never worked for me even default CC)
Hello im new to this cc stuff can someone tell me how you do this

I'm not quite sure how to answer this. If you're looking for a fully functional Warrior CC, I'd suggest trying one of the others as this one has only limited usability in specific situations.

Is it possible to do a refresh of Battle Shout every 30 seconds? Since most fury warriors have the 30 second shout.

Maybe once you get better at coding, you can set settings from Battle Shout/Commanding Shout :)

Also, it's not using Berserker Rage for some reason. (It never worked for me even default CC)

As far as I know, Battle Shout has a 2 minute duration (and should be glyphed with Glyph of Battle, which brings it to 4 minutes). The CC will check for Battle Shout and re-apply when it's not up. If it's not applying Battle Shout for some reason, please post at least a full log with at least 5+ minutes of active use so I can see what it's doing.

Also, please keep in mind this CC was written for Maximum DPS (more specifically for dungeons and raids). Therefore, it doesn't use Commanding Shout because it would be a drop in DPS.

It currently only uses Berserker Rage on boss fights, when the mob has more than 1million HP. This is intended because there would be no other easy way to tell the CC when not to use Berserker Rage, so it can be saved for important fights.

As I stated to killam, this CC is intended for very specific situations. If you need a fully functional CC, please check out one of the others they work very well.

I was just suggesting because if shouts reapplied every 30 seconds to one minute (since if you are fury, it should be 30 second cooldown) you get more of a rage boost. So I won't sit there with 10 rage when battleshout/commanding shout is not on cooldown I can pop it for 20-30 more rage
I'm not quite sure how to answer this. If you're looking for a fully functional Warrior CC, I'd suggest trying one of the others as this one has only limited usability in specific situations.

As far as I know, Battle Shout has a 2 minute duration (and should be glyphed with Glyph of Battle, which brings it to 4 minutes). The CC will check for Battle Shout and re-apply when it's not up. If it's not applying Battle Shout for some reason, please post at least a full log with at least 5+ minutes of active use so I can see what it's doing.

Also, please keep in mind this CC was written for Maximum DPS (more specifically for dungeons and raids). Therefore, it doesn't use Commanding Shout because it would be a drop in DPS.

It currently only uses Berserker Rage on boss fights, when the mob has more than 1million HP. This is intended because there would be no other easy way to tell the CC when not to use Berserker Rage, so it can be saved for important fights.

As I stated to killam, this CC is intended for very specific situations. If you need a fully functional CC, please check out one of the others they work very well.


you could make it use Battle Shout every time when in combat when it's off cooldown when the mobs are above 50%, it is the rage regeneration it gives that makes it usefull. also Berserker rage is nice to have when in combat.
Also, I'm quite new. What do I do with "Profiles"? I just made a real fast simple one that has basically nothing in it so I can load one when it asks me to.
I was just suggesting because if shouts reapplied every 30 seconds to one minute (since if you are fury, it should be 30 second cooldown) you get more of a rage boost. So I won't sit there with 10 rage when battleshout/commanding shout is not on cooldown I can pop it for 20-30 more rage

you could make it use Battle Shout every time when in combat when it's off cooldown when the mobs are above 50%, it is the rage regeneration it gives that makes it usefull. also Berserker rage is nice to have when in combat.

Ok, I guess I didn't realize that it was useful for rage generation as well, I will change it to use Battle Shout more often in the next release.

When should Berserker Rage be used? Anytime it's off cooldown? Originally I had planned to save it and the other cooldowns for bosses, to get max DPS but since it's only on a 30 sec. cooldown I can use it more liberally. Let me know and I will adjust as well.

Thanks for the feedback guys.