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Well I am impressed how people coming here and report bans from other bot. Don't get me wrong, I am sorry for their bans. But we have rule:
"Do not bot on account that you can't afford to loose!"
Gold farmers loosing accounts for profit. And this is about combat bot. So, people love this game, but they can not play the game and they use some VCR, DVD bot? OK........... And now what they accomplished? Nothing... They lost their beloved toons and accounts. Why? Because they don't wanna play by hand.
When I lost account, I deal with that! I was cheating for gold and purposes of that account is to make gold.
Don't get me wrong, I am ok if people using combat bots. Other question is: "Is it worth to loose 7 years accounts because they do not wanna play by hand?"
Once again, I am sorry for every lost.