- make it visible to the general populace
No, there will be no forum until there is a product release or at least a beta available for public. It is a product in development. We make announcements and give status updates but atm. we do not think that there is something to discuss or even that support is needed in this area.
- add a sticky at the top stating that Legionbuddy is a new CR only bot and is not released yet (Emphasize in bigass bold
There is a FAQ people can read and where this is answered.
Even if we would put this info all over the place there will be people who do not read it and will ask.
- allow people to post in the forum like we do in Honorbuddy etc
- add invisible sub-forums for your alpha/beta testers
- remove ANY mention of legion buddy from the Legendary buddy threads
- move any Legionbuddy post in the Honorbuddy sub-forum to the Legionbuddy one
People can use the general forums for topics not covered by product forums.
For Legendary Buddy and Legionbot there are threads already which should be used.
Moderators are trying atm. to point people to these threads because most of the questions we can answer atm. are answered there already.
This means people can read one thread and do not need to search all over the place even if we see a lot of people to lazy to read and open a new thread instead and asking things double ^^
This has the net effect of locating all the... dribble? thats been popping up in other forums into one neat little place that we can all come and laugh at when folks dont get what "Legion buddy is a brand new bot and has nothing to do with ANY of the other bots including any combat routines you have purchased for any of the other bots" means. I dont tend to be very talkative on the forums however this situation is really annoying me because its simple customer service techniques that are lacking that is causing it.
In the case of the Legionbuddy bot, giving people an actual location to ask a question rather than saying the forum is private and only for the beta testers was pure lunacy. You just created an elite cadre for no better reason than trying to push Legendary buddy sales (subs?) without taking into account you also just opened up every curious mind on the forums to what you wont let them look at. Its like telling a child there are sweets in the pantry but you arent going to let them look at them but they are really delicious.
We created a chance for people to support us and we give them something extra for this. For this amount of money I think it is ok that the small amount of people is treated as VIP and can get their hands on things while others have to wait.
Legendary buddy is not for everyone thats why the price is set like this.
Do not forget we talk about an alpha version and TESTING ongoing. If we open things to the public to early it will take a day for people to whine about functions not in or not working.
There will be a public beta and there will be a forum for this new product but not atm. because at this state it makes no sense.
Im sure you guys have your reasons for the security measures you're supposedly adhering to but im sure there are plenty of people you are souring along the way. Id rather a little info that would shut up the likes of rifto (dont particualrly need to see the same shit said over and over in every thread opened really) than the current state where i feel Tony just gets angry, BotOp gets defensive then passive aggressive and Millz has to play the good cop :s
Defensive then passive aggressive? hrhr thats good. I will add this to my wording