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Legionbuddy - Am i the only one who feels abit ripped off ?

HAHAHAHAHA. I just realized what exactly I was arguing with. Wow. Thank you for the laugh, jeeeez. "I know exactly how they're programming the bot because I'm on the team, duh. I know what goes into it, I've written a bot for WoW before. Huh huh."

"I didn't say it was shady, nyeehh just suspect, clearly suspect doesn't mean anything along the lines of untrustworthy. Mreheheheheh."

"Large amount up front." That's for LEGENDARY BUDDY DUDE. Legendary buddy, they SAID THEMSELVES is a DONATION to access legionbuddy beta. WE, THE NON BETA TESTERS/DONATORS Will not pay NEARLY that much to use it. My god.

And yes you do! Smilesmilesmilesmile. Soap! Right there! There's one! And! For non-wow, eevverryyysiiinggglleeeee ooonnneeee of the game "special modification tools" is on a forum that charges a monthly sub to access and download, then it costs MORE for a VIP access to actually use anything worthwhile.

Daaaamn, son. Thanks for letting me know exactly the type of tool you were. I think you belong out back in my shed. You must have fallen off your rack, dude.

jesus christ, what are you 12?

"I know exactly how they're programming the bot because I'm on the team, duh. I know what goes into it, I've written a bot for WoW before. Huh huh."

did I say this you fucking autist? no, but logically speaking if you're making one part of a larger bot instead of a fully functional bot that would mean it's easier. Sorry if basic logic is too hard for you.

That's for LEGENDARY BUDDY DUDE. Legendary buddy, they SAID THEMSELVES is a DONATION to access legionbuddy beta. WE, THE NON BETA TESTERS/DONATORS Will not pay NEARLY that much to use it. My god.

That part, I admit, I was wrong on. The rest of my argument still stands.

And congrats to you for finding one that doesn't just charge one fee. Good on ya.
Calling me an autist outs you as either a teenager or someone between the ages of 18-23. Also that you called me 12. No, in truth I was giddy with glee to realize how your brain worked on things like this. And no, it was several. At least four to five forums that I know of that cover this type of thing charge out the ass. Quite a lot. And no, "logically" it does not. It's a completely different style of program. What, you think they're gonna "copy-paste" the code? Dude, get real. "Sorry if basic logic is too hard for you". More of your really... typical e-thug insults, dude. Your argument and your points do not stand, friendo. This talk is over. So yeah, I found several bot and things that do stuff bots don't do that all charge monthly, very high rates, too. Yes, it IS good on me.

Now you've derailed into insulting like a 4chan/reddit/anygeneralcommentsection troll or a Trade chat troll with everything coming from you. GG, dude. GG. You fought well.

Calling me an autist outs you as either a teenager or someone between the ages of 18-23. Also that you called me 12. No, in truth I was giddy with glee to realize how your brain worked on things like this. And no, it was several. At least four to five forums that I know of that cover this type of thing charge out the ass. Quite a lot. And no, "logically" it does not. It's a completely different style of program. What, you think they're gonna "copy-paste" the code? Dude, get real. "Sorry if basic logic is too hard for you". More of your really... typical e-thug insults, dude. Your argument and your points do not stand, friendo. This talk is over. So yeah, I found several bot and things that do stuff bots don't do that all charge monthly, very high rates, too. Yes, it IS good on me.

Now you've derailed into insulting like a 4chan/reddit/anygeneralcommentsection troll or a Trade chat troll with everything coming from you. GG, dude. GG. You fought well.


Good job deflecting. And thanks for ceding the floor.

Nice memeing too, I'm sure your school buddies will be so proud of you.
Am I understanding this right?
HB - remains the same - highly detectable
LB - only used for rotations, not capable of lvling or gold farming on its own = not likely to be detected
Am I understanding this right?
HB - remains the same - highly detectable
LB - only used for rotations, not capable of lvling or gold farming on its own = not likely to be detected

Well, LB is also supposed to not inject into the game, which should make it less detectable.
If it was just not lvling or gold farming, I mean you could already do that in HB. Just only use RaidBot and never let the bot control movement.

Was trying to find the LegionBuddy FAQ, but for some reason search isn't turning it up, if someone could kindly provide a link.
Well, LB is also supposed to not inject into the game, which should make it less detectable.
If it was just not lvling or gold farming, I mean you could already do that in HB. Just only use RaidBot and never let the bot control movement.

Was trying to find the LegionBuddy FAQ, but for some reason search isn't turning it up, if someone could kindly provide a link.

Is this the one you wanted Azoth? https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...uncement-legendary-buddy-1st-june-2016-a.html

Ahh you did say legionbuddy post ..but I thought this one might help.
Thanks for the links; they are two different products, and it's important to not get them mixed up. Made more confusing by that only LegendaryBuddies have access to the LegionBuddy beta, though I recall reading that the beta has been down since Patch 7.0 hit.
I only used HB for about a year, never on main account. I don't like the grind ( mats farming, lvling, dailies) so I used other accounts on same bnet to bot on. All except for main got detected. I stopped because it wasn't worth getting banned every 30 days on new accounts. If LB can't do the grind what's the point? Maybe for someone who is too lazy to press their class buttons in raids / pvp LB might be perfect but to me that's best part of the game.

Q. Is Honorbuddy being replaced?
A. No. Honorbuddy will continue. They're 2 different bots for different goals. Legionbuddy is purely for casting rotations, Honorbuddy does everything else (i.e. AFK usage).

except honorbuddy is highly detectable and just not worth the risk anymore so they abandon the project and try to sell something new
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i dont mind paying again for 64bit rotation just hoping to get a discount if we have already all millz and tuhana profile
"I won't blindly follow the company and give them my money, I'm just gonna nit pick and slightly technicalities in peoples arguments and complain, but they'll still get my money."


Little shits like me? I can admit it's kinda lame we gotta buy the CR's, but think about it. They have to rewrite EVERYTHING. From scratch. Brand new. You paid ONE TIME for a lifetime of updates. We've been getting those for a long time. As things get more advanced, they require more work. Honorbuddy as a whole has come a crazy long way from when I first got into it in cata after pyrox shut down. Especially in the area of combat routines, which is what this is about. There are a LOT of people on their team that need money to live, yes? So yeah, we gotta pay, deal with it, dude. You're still gonna follow along and keep paying, so why are you complaining? Just to whine about "OH MAN THIS IS SKETCH I DON'T TRUST THEM"

LOL. Yeah, that's not gonna drive away new people, just me telling you there are needs and necessities to running a business and providing so many updates on such a consistent basis as this. It's a lot. A -lot- of work.

YOU are the people saying the company isn't trustworthy because of "shady" business practices, not me. YOU will drive people away because, hey, who wants to get scammed, right? I'm a hypocrite? Don't think so dude. The people complaining that they have to pay for a COMPLETELY REWRITTEN BRAND NEW PROGRAM. Yes. And yeah? A monthly sub? So what? Every bot that's not a trojan virus or packeting your info to another server charges a monthly sub. Every game "mod" out there does. Any of them worth their weight charge a helluva lot of money for them, too. Nothing about this is "shady" and YOU (and so my words will not get manipulated and nitpicked again, the people complaining saying they're being cheated, scammed, ripped off) are all coming up with these grand consipiracies as to what's going on. YOU are the little shits causing and rousing people like me to get fed up with your crap. These forums are full of people complaining about such tiny details all the time. and you know what? You get tired of seeing whiny little brats on the front page every day.

I do -not- confront everyone I meet, I'm generally nice, friendly, and easy to talk to until someone either acts like a smartass, or complains about trivial things.

YOU two are hypocrites. You're here complaining just to complain saying how I'm driving their customers away by defending their company name, while at the same time calling their business practices shit. You need to try to smell your own shit before saying someone else's stinks.

omg kid calm your tits ffs. /blocked
x64 is NOT what's supposedly keeping LB users safer. HB hasn't switched to x64 because it in no way will keep HB users any safer...People need to keep that in their head. You don't switch to x64 and magically become 10 times more protected. That's not how this works.

What is "supposedly" safer about LB is that it doesn't inject into the wow process, it's passive. It does use tripwire though, which has been the direct cause of the last 2 banwaves.

i been completely out of the loop with regards to honorbuddy after the banwave but it seems in a right mess at the moment in alot of areas and i am still extremely nervous to touch it again but thats so facepalm, that the system put in place to protect users from bans has caused the bans, not once, but twice, thats a EPIC f**k up, why would new customers buy from you to risk their accounts, money and time, under these conditions.

ignoring the mindless fanboys, just be open with the community, you need money so you are making this bot even if it has negative effects for honorbuddy users or not, alot of the other bots are low tier or weakly supported anyway like the tanks bot, but you are pumping out bots like crazy now, it doesnt matter how many you have if they are all awful, but it makes sense you would go at the core community who buy your "product", i dont know what is going on behind the scenes but it could be possible you are struggling for numerous reasons.

if this is a limited bot anyway, i think actually beating blizzard in the ban war might restore some confidence in your product/products, id prefer to see honorbuddy 2 in 64 bit than this pointless bot, i dont know, reading these forums these days and reading between the lines, it seems honorbuddy is slowly dying, it just seems like a stale sitting duck thats not evolving and blizzard has finally got their number.
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I've been content with boxsoap over the years even back in the pqr days.. HB is now getting on the wagon.. people love rotation bots.. period..

HB should get the same love and go for less detection like legionbuddy.. aka 64bit hb just do it.. be the business you want to be.. as in customer love on lifetimers.

HB is perfect for the farmer.

LB is for the DPS whore - so i dont see why you all are crying over lifetime subs.. I have a lot of lifetime subs like 12 and i only use 3.. i bought them in hopes of getting love.. I literally jumped on that final sale and got screwed BUT I WILL GET MY USE OUT OF it.. like i did 5 years ago. i got my moneys worth for reals.. still show LIFETIMERS LOVE

I won't go to LB personally because you get the generic routines.., and the monthly sub.. but then to be pro you got to pay 3rd party.. Ill hop my happy ass over to the other homie for rotation and just pay the premium and get top notch dps/healing and tanking rotations all classes for one price and I can share it in my house/ip with my kids.. easy mode..

IF LB didnt plan on tossing generic rotations and then offering 3rd party pro routines.. I would look into it.. but for now I am gonna back away and wait for that Hammer to hit from it. because lets just be real.. HB credibility as far as working to make it undetectable is not really all that great.. I've lost faith but I still burn dummy accounts all day
I also feel ripped off. I bought 3x life time keys and also bought raid rotations. I bought a bot to level and raid with and also the custom rotations. Now the rotations have updated they want paying again. well thats just bullshit, I now only use HB for leveling, I will never buy a single thing from there store again and for raiding I now use a bot that you pay ONCE for the rotation and its forever updated :)
Bro ,maybe u start play the game LOL
No offense ah
I love how people are dissing on bossland for the CR charging extra on LB if you already have their profile on HB. Take it up with them (tuan/millz or whoever you brought HB CRs from).
I see so many assumptions in this thread, most being wrong. Let me state some detailed information one more time regarding Legionbuddy.

In last seven days, the raid bot/combat bot/Enyo etc. usage in total nets 2.53% of total Honorbuddy usage. Even though the last 3 banwave attempts post May banwave have been detected and dodged successfully by Tripwire, people will only remember the banwaves. Therefore, most of you are afraid of using Honorbuddy on your beloved characters which is quite reasonable.

That is why Legionbuddy has born. Our customers have been seeking for a more safer alternative to use with their beloved characters. And that would be only possible with a radical decision, writing a completely passive bot with no injection and memory manipulation. In that manner, the reason of Legionbuddy being a separate product is that we can not just rewrite Honorbuddy as a passive bot. The base of Honorbuddy is so big that it would take us 6 months to a year to do so.

Legionbuddy has been on development for last 6 months. We could have made it faster, but we didn't want to spare our resources from Honorbuddy. Honorbuddy is still our flagship product. Honorbuddy will still be there and updated. It is not going anywhere. We will still be doing constant updates and make sure the security is in highest possible state.

As much as most of you do not or will not believe, Honorbuddy still has the most advanced protections versus Blizzard's detection attempts and it will continue to do so. Honorbuddy is the market leader, the reason that we are the only company being sued by Blizzard and been in legal battles with them for 5 years already. The reason that Blizzard attempts to detect it constantly. None of the other bots in the market is safer then Honorbuddy, in fact they are all vulnerable to *current* detection methods Blizzard has. Blizzard just doesn't care about them right now. We are looking forward for Blizzard to attempt detecting Legionbuddy in 64bit universe and taking all other bots down as collateral damage. That will possibly be only time that we will be able to gain our respect back.

Regarding the combat routine purchases from Honorbuddy store. All products in store are obligated to be supported for at least 18 months or until next expansion, whichever comes first. That is because the combat routines will mostly be needed to be rewritten on an expansion, just like it is happening right now with Legion. We do not live in Alice's wonderland, do not expect something that's completely being rewritten to be given to you for free. As far as I know, most of the routine developers will be updating their products with no additional cost and that's them being generous. In the same manner, do not expect the routines that you purchased for Honorbuddy to be given to you for free for Legionbuddy after being rewritten completely.

You will still be able to use your Honorbuddy store purchases for Honorbuddy. You purchased them to use for Honorbuddy. You decided to pay the money for them at the time of your purchase and you thought that price was worth it. Otherwise you wouldn't have paid for it.

In short, nobody is being ripped off. We are giving our customer base a safer alternative with less attack vectors for their beloved characters. Your Honorbuddy lifetime key and store purchases are still yours. Honorbuddy is still being updated and kept secure.
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