HAHAHAHAHA. I just realized what exactly I was arguing with. Wow. Thank you for the laugh, jeeeez. "I know exactly how they're programming the bot because I'm on the team, duh. I know what goes into it, I've written a bot for WoW before. Huh huh."
"I didn't say it was shady, nyeehh just suspect, clearly suspect doesn't mean anything along the lines of untrustworthy. Mreheheheheh."
"Large amount up front." That's for LEGENDARY BUDDY DUDE. Legendary buddy, they SAID THEMSELVES is a DONATION to access legionbuddy beta. WE, THE NON BETA TESTERS/DONATORS Will not pay NEARLY that much to use it. My god.
And yes you do! Smilesmilesmilesmile. Soap! Right there! There's one! And! For non-wow, eevverryyysiiinggglleeeee ooonnneeee of the game "special modification tools" is on a forum that charges a monthly sub to access and download, then it costs MORE for a VIP access to actually use anything worthwhile.
Daaaamn, son. Thanks for letting me know exactly the type of tool you were. I think you belong out back in my shed. You must have fallen off your rack, dude.
jesus christ, what are you 12?
"I know exactly how they're programming the bot because I'm on the team, duh. I know what goes into it, I've written a bot for WoW before. Huh huh."
did I say this you fucking autist? no, but logically speaking if you're making one part of a larger bot instead of a fully functional bot that would mean it's easier. Sorry if basic logic is too hard for you.
That's for LEGENDARY BUDDY DUDE. Legendary buddy, they SAID THEMSELVES is a DONATION to access legionbuddy beta. WE, THE NON BETA TESTERS/DONATORS Will not pay NEARLY that much to use it. My god.
That part, I admit, I was wrong on. The rest of my argument still stands.
And congrats to you for finding one that doesn't just charge one fee. Good on ya.