never responded to mine a couple pages back, due to that, I issued a refund.
Hey, just checked your post history - you've not attached logs, not mentioned any of the alterations you've made, not attached an .xml file to allow anyone to test the settings you've set up for yourself, as well as not specifying your comp.
My druid is 2.2k rated, no combat routine will do everything for you in PVP, similarly no forum member will work miracles to help you use a routine to its fullest unless you provide information along with your post.
In addition TaunHa is one of my favourite scripters and their routines are all absolutely top tier in my opinion, with the exception of their Druid CR, their feral/guardian routines pale in comparison to Superbad, and their Balance/Restoration routines are not even close to being as good as Stars and Leaves are.
Nevertheless enjoy your refund, but please try to provide more information next time you ask for advice/input otherwise your query will probably be overlooked.