View attachment 4 dN 2014-08-10 00.53.txt
View attachment 3 dN 2014-08-10 00.11.txt
View attachment 2 dN 2014-08-10 00.02.txt
View attachment 1 dN 2014-08-09 22.29.txt
files are separated because I've tried to restart HB to "fix" routine

0 -> 14 SoO N 10ppl run as 565 rdruid.
0 - > 12 one group, 13+14 another group

Also reforged 37% haste to 50% haste before Klaxxi while looking for a group.
I felt myself uncomfortable during today's raid.
1) Innervate.. I have 70% in settings. On most bosses I had above 70% MP for the whole fight. But twice used Innervate manually at 50% oO No idea why routine missed it. It tries to stack Innervate with some procs/buffs or any reason for delaying?
But on Garrosh I had perfect Innervates on cooldown

Got nice MP management by routine (50% haste OOMs faster).
2) On Thok I switched to Force of Nature talent (ents) and restarted HB. Have 1st charge on 99% for 1 unit in settings. But routine uses all 3 charges together only. Something is broken? There was much better Force of Nature management in earlier builds:
-- utilize first stack whenever possible (1 unit < 99%)
-- use second stack if some guys got some damage (3-5 units < 95%)
-- save third stack for ninja healing (many guys are <85% | a couple of them <30% because of off CGD emergency healing).
3) Wild Growth is sooo much delayed. Have 98% for all roles and 3 units in setting. So it should be used almost on cooldown during encounter. But it's too delayed for no reason. It seems that encounter based events for Wild Growth work good, Those events can delay Wild Growth usage?
4) Healing NPCs in Norushen's "private room" is broken? Routine throttles, does some random casts or dispels. I was forced to help manually.
2.0.1 Reverted build can hold all 3 NPCs ~100% HP

332 rev can't hold 100-50-50

After private room was ended it seems that routine continued throttling and refused to heal my raid oO. I stop-started HB to fix but boss died to fast so I'm not sure what exactly happened.
Also healing for Immerseus blobs looks poor: no instant Rejuvs on all in range to slow them, no Mushrooms placement (glyphed) -> bloom to slow and instantly heal them, no Rejuv -> Swift. Only Regrowth casts with a big delay after blobs are spawned.
For now Leaves heals blobs worse then I do it manually.
5) 551 Rshammy >> 565 rdruid

Routine just "allowed" shammy to heal. We had a perfect group, no unnecessary damage, everything dispelled asap, almost nothing to heal. Maybe not an issue because my settings are not "heal anyone <99.9% HP"

Anyway Klaxxi and Garrosh was with worse group and routine got nice recount numbers

Another 568 Rshamman was beaten.
* does routine have some separated 'Single target" and 'AoE" modes which need to be switched? It can cause any delay while healing?
* does "heal NPCs" mode (Norushen and Immersus) have some delay for enable/disable?