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[Leaves] Community Edition

This cc is broken, no damage as boomkin with his Stars profile or zero heals with his Leaves profile. Its pretty obvious he is not working on this as he made enough money from noobs like us, probably spending it all ! He will be back when he needs more donation until then adios !
This cc is broken, no damage as boomkin with his Stars profile or zero heals with his Leaves profile. Its pretty obvious he is not working on this as he made enough money from noobs like us, probably spending it all ! He will be back when he needs more donation until then adios !

Don't be a retard and stop spreading stupid rumours.

I announced that I'll be away for a Intensive programme for college weeks before i left.
This cc is broken, no damage as boomkin with his Stars profile or zero heals with his Leaves profile. Its pretty obvious he is not working on this as he made enough money from noobs like us, probably spending it all ! He will be back when he needs more donation until then adios !

I think your pretty much self a retarted if you can't even provide a log :)

This cc is broken, no damage as boomkin with his Stars profile or zero heals with his Leaves profile. Its pretty obvious he is not working on this as he made enough money from noobs like us, probably spending it all ! He will be back when he needs more donation until then adios !
Don't be a retard and stop spreading stupid rumours.

I announced that I'll be away for a Intensive programme for college weeks before i left.

Mirabis, it shows a lack of professionalism when you want to provide a service and can't act professional. As a guy with Asperger syndrome I take no offense to the word "retard" yet others may. This isn't the first occasion of unprofessionalism from yourself by any means, but please try to have some thicker skin. That being said people need to post logs, be a bit more constructive, and look at his signature. It's said for some time now he'll be gone for a few weeks. Cut the guy some slack.
Mirabis, it shows a lack of professionalism when you want to provide a service and can't act professional. As a guy with Asperger syndrome I take no offense to the word "retard" yet others may. This isn't the first occasion of unprofessionalism from yourself by any means, but please try to have some thicker skin.
Behaving like a retard deserves the term retard being applied to them. Just like a fat person being called fat... What he does is his own choice, and if someone is going to bad-mouth a product with no ground to stand on then why not fire back?

Either way, I'm enjoying this routine vastly. And have been for some time.

Behaving like a retard deserves the term retard being applied to them. Just like a fat person being called fat... What he does is his own choice, and if someone is going to bad-mouth a product with no ground to stand on then why not fire back?

Either way, I'm enjoying this routine vastly. And have been for some time.


Just like African Americans deserve to be called derogatory terms I suppose. I get it!
Quick question!, I really cant figure out the settings part. I still go oom really fast whenever using this CR..

Anyone who has a setting they would be willing to share?
This was a completely waste of my money ! Stars and Leaves routine doesn't work properly, they are terrible for PvP and sundenly they just stop for no reason.

There is the log from a raiding environment with leaves. On norushen, when on heal test you have to manual heal the pandas and the routine just stops healing the Raid after you comeback from the test ! it's a joke.


This was a completely waste of my money ! Stars and Leaves routine doesn't work properly, they are terrible for PvP and sundenly they just stop for no reason.

There is the log from a raiding environment with leaves. On norushen, when on heal test you have to manual heal the pandas and the routine just stops healing the Raid after you comeback from the test ! it's a joke.

That log is just the startup log. If nothing else happened, I'd say there's bigger problems. Did you do a fresh HB install? It also seems like now stars/leaves requires framelock to work but it looked like you had that on. Using your norushen example, leaves is borderline OP for that fight for me. It keeps all the pandas topped on the test and dispels immediately. Especially after the test it pumps out heals like it's nobody's business, even when running on fumes.

The point is that if your results aren't being consistently replicated by other users, the problem is somewhere on your end, though it doesn't mean you did anything wrong, per se. There's something you have to figure out though, because it DOES work, though you're having troubles.

It isn't the greatest for pvp that's true, though you can do decently well if you tweak the settings properly.
Behaving like a retard deserves the term retard being applied to them. Just like a fat person being called fat... What he does is his own choice, and if someone is going to bad-mouth a product with no ground to stand on then why not fire back?

Either way, I'm enjoying this routine vastly. And have been for some time.


Not responding to rage turtles and irritating customers with potentially derogatory terms (or even snarky comments, for that matter) is the essence of professionalism. A calm explanation would have conveyed the same message, and may have cleared up any potential misunderstandings that the original author may not have even realized they had. You speak of fat people choosing to remain fat.....this is true in some cases, but I've yet to find people who chose to be born with mental deficits, or with a certain skin color, etc. In this case the rage was likely born out of ignorance (not reading the initial post) and not a cognitive insufficiency. Pointing out the solution without being goaded by an angry tone is the way a professional would handle this. He is trying to run a business after all.
Mirabis has said several times over that this CR is not yet optimized for PVP, so to the folks buying it and expecting it to be top notch in that regard have failed the basic function of research. He has also said that he is working hard to satisfy those PVP needs by working on collaboration with some top notch PVP CR writers despite having little to no interest in the PVP side of things himself. Have patience and let him do his work, help him by constructively pointing out the shortcomings, and back everything up with logs so he/we can make some real progress instead of a flaming contest.

Despite not being "optimal" for PVP I have a 2200 RBG rating and a 1850 2's rating(low mostly due to a lack of interest in boosting it higher, I use my Resto Drood to carry a lot of my alts to gear them pulling his rating down). Is it perfect? NO. Do I fight with it and get pissed at it? Yes. Is it the best thing available to us for PVP? Yes. For PVE? Yes by a mile.

As for Stars I have very very little exp with it, but my funny story is this: I joined a pug RBG group because I was bored the other day and a RL friend was in the group, after joining the comp became such that they asked me if I had a Boomy spec because one of the leads had a friend he wanted to come on his Resto Drood. I lol'd and said that I had recently picked up the spec but was very inexperienced with it, but they asked me to try anyway. So me in my full Prideful Resto gear, a spec I have maybe an hours worth of experience playing, and a CR I had yet to do any real tweaking on ventured into a PUG RBG. In fairness this group was really really bad despite a 1700 MMR and several 2k+ exp players. We got WSG and my poor Boomy proceeded to ROFL stomp every Mother Trucker in the BG. TOP damage, and Top kills by a lot, it was funny to watch that lazor chicken go to work.

There are many things to tweak, babysit, and generally just live with but it does work with a little patience.

As for the PVE side of things, there really is no argument I show up in mostly PVP (Prideful gear) to SOO Normal pugs (through OQue) and endure the instant "Um this healer is in Pee Vhee Pee gear..." barrage and after much debate assure them that I can hold my own... Then proceed to embarrass every healer in group nearly every time. I don't raid much, but when I do this thing stomps the Shit out of 75% of the healers I end up grouped with, and I am in gear that should not even be close to competing with them. If you cannot replicate OP stories like this in PVE then you have something not setup correctly and should provide logs and look for settings feedback, or you have an addon, plugin, botbase, or something else that is interfering.

Edit: The Boomy story is a lot funnier (in my opinion) if you imagine Samuel L. Jackson reciting it :)
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I can also vouch for this CR...

I just got back to woo after a 9months break. Still in 510 gear and im outhealing the healers in my guild that are 540+
That log is just the startup log. If nothing else happened, I'd say there's bigger problems. Did you do a fresh HB install? It also seems like now stars/leaves requires framelock to work but it looked like you had that on. Using your norushen example, leaves is borderline OP for that fight for me. It keeps all the pandas topped on the test and dispels immediately. Especially after the test it pumps out heals like it's nobody's business, even when running on fumes.

The point is that if your results aren't being consistently replicated by other users, the problem is somewhere on your end, though it doesn't mean you did anything wrong, per se. There's something you have to figure out though, because it DOES work, though you're having troubles.

It isn't the greatest for pvp that's true, though you can do decently well if you tweak the settings properly.

U Turned off the target to look more legit option and it seemed better on Galakras, Shamam and Nazgrim I will have to test it on Norushen...

EDIT: tested on norushen again, after the test the routine doesn't heal anymore, idk why, and I have to heal manually the pandarens inside the test. Posted another log.


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This is only a startup log, not even combat.

U Turned off the target to look more legit option and it seemed better on Galakras, Shamam and Nazgrim I will have to test it on Norushen...

EDIT: tested on norushen again, after the test the routine doesn't heal anymore, idk why, and I have to heal manually the pandarens inside the test. Posted another log.
This is only a startup log, not even combat.

Aye as Ebano pointed out the log file you posted is just an HB startup log, the "Start" Button was never pushed. I would also like to add that I sometimes switch botbases when I encounter "funny" little things. Tyrael is my goto 99% of the time but I slao use LazyRaider just to see if it cleans up a minor problem. I dunno if that will solve the problem you have, but it is worth a try.