Sadly have to agree... Cyclone focus never worked for me also, pressed it down all time like you said but it just does keep on casting heals most of the time
Another thing is automatic shapeshifting, runs around in Travel Form while mates die, even when I stop moving it stands there in Travel Form for another 3 secs
This Routine really needs some more PvP love
Log please?
Ps: guess i've to make a youtube vid.. Cuz when i run it it mostly runs fine >.<
Maybe look previous posts before writing any comment smart boy? I already shared log file...Then tell him whats wrong and how it could be improved, you know some actual useful feedback? Is that too much to ask for these days? 0_o
Sorry Mirabis but Leaves is not good for PvP anymore.
No way! A lot of people using it for PvP. So i know Mirabis will fix it soon...Leaves is fantastic in PVE and it should stay that way, nothing to see here Arena/PVP nuts lol Keep your hands off Leaves!
Hi mirabis is it possible to have seperate forum for the star users?
everyone has this issue. i am at same ilvl 535 oom everytimeI have a resto Druid ilvl 535 and when I load LFR settings for LFR raid I go OOM very quickly. How to remedy this?
everyone has this issue. i am at same ilvl 535 oom everytime
Am I the only one that has terirble results with this? Am I using the wrong botbase or something? I have the premium version and I only do 25k hps and it doesn't even use fllorescne