DON'T SAY THAT!! I WANNA PLAY TOOhehe well enjoy your Rocks hard profile mate and ill join ya once i have mine
hmm youre in the stars group already i just checked for your name and you are in the list aswell (in assembla)
maybe check again !
DON'T SAY THAT!! I WANNA PLAY TOOhehe well enjoy your Rocks hard profile mate and ill join ya once i have mine
I just found that out.. did login to the Assembla and did found the link to downloadherp derp
Didn't work.. did get an error to visit the site for "how to install" and there is the problem.. It's not under the "AVAILABLE DOWNLOADS" place
Note to Self: Learn how to move the right folder into the right place... and it will work just finejeez im a noob
hmm hmm
maybe you can find out how to switch to AFK botbase, even with tyrael on..
it doesn spam multiple people in BGs with tyrael botbase, only with BGBuddy
(which sucks because i want to move myself)
well, i basically want the profile to spam every enemy by itself without me having to tab trough all those peoplehuh wut ; S
ok works fine now found it what the problem was with slow casting..
that profile rocks hard
with auto dismount it would be perfect for AFK bg botting
well, i basically want the profile to spam every enemy by itself without me having to tab trough all those people
well, guess what, i have both on hotkeys and activated :/When you are using Stars ? Flurry From the Sky with a non-afk botbase, you are required to enable/disable Cooldown and Multidot usage by hotkeys. Those hotkeys can be configured in the Hotkey Tab. <-- from the website F.A.Q![]()
well, i basically want the profile to spam every enemy by itself without me having to tab trough all those people
(like millz warlock profile multidotting)
and it looks like it is only doing that style of spamming dots on everyone with BGBuddy botbase.
also it doesnt unmount :/
i can assure u that i have those hotkeys setup and ENABLEDIt uses same dismount code as Demonic... so odd... and When u play manually you have to use Hotkeys to enable cooldowns and multidot.
Haven't gotten to test it out yet in PvP
i can assure u that i have those hotkeys setup and ENABLED
(if i use BG buddy, the bot just chases an enemy player without dismounting or casting a single spell on it)
Hey Mirabis, I just tried leaves and stars for the first time. Everything is perfect when using a non-afk botbase, although once I switch to Questing or dungeon buddy when I want to afk and either quest or dungeon.. I'm running into issues even with the afk botbase options ticked. Basically questing as Balance, the bot won't pull mobs and waits for aggro to do anything and for Leaves when im in dungeons the bot is having issues following the tank. Is this working as intended or supposed to be mainkly used on played botbases? Thanks for the nice CRs looking forward to hearing back from you![]()
Cr works great(Paid version of Leaves and Stars)
community edition doesnt lag so much. just one thing bothering me now.
Anyone experiencing huge FPS drop while using Tyrael with softlock and hardlock both enabled. (Tried enabled and disabled)
For example: when pause Tyrael FPS is 70 while turn the rotation on FPS gose to like 30 sometimes worse , always about half FPS drop (In raid group or out raid sits in org by myself)
So i switch to other CR like Demonic and Tuanha's only drop like a few FPS . within 10-20.
Wondering if it is just me or?
Any feedbacks on Stars?
Any feedbacks on Stars?