There aren't really a lot of people that develop for this game. You guys can probably write what you want, it will just take a little learning! Thats how a lot of devs around these forums got started...
Everything is already in place here for you to write your own rotation. I will give you an example here. All you need is visual studio express, and Tortoise svn.
1) commit
disccc - Revision 741: /trunk/PureSwtor to your routines folder
2) open PureSWTor.csproj
You will see the solution explorer on the right or left. Looks like this:
3) Right click "Classes" Folder and add a new folder. Name this after the class. (ie: Sith, Juggernaut)
4) Right click that folder you just added and hit "Add new Item".
5) Select new class and name it after the spec you are creating. (ie: Corruption.cs or Rage.cs)
Ive attached a dummy rotation for you...
6) A few things you should change. Look at the circled crap. You want to change it to match the spec you are writing!
PureSWTor.Classes.Juggernaut should be changed to PureSWTor.Classes.<name of folder you made>
SWTorSpec.JuggernautRage... delete the ".JuggernautRage" and retype the dot, you should be able to scroll through the specs with intellisense
String name part is up to you really.
7) Lastly your rotation!!
I made 4 sections for you to work in: PreCombat, HandleCoolDowns, HandleAOE and HandleSingleTarget. They will check in that order! PreCombat will do nothing if mounted or in combat.. HandleAOE will do nothing if less than 3 mobs in 4 meter distance.
Notice these spells were cast in 2 ways...
Spell.Cast("MyBuff", ret => !Me.HasBuff("MyBuff"))
Spell.Cast("Ball Buster")
One has the name of spell and a condition, the other just the name of the spell. Remember to put "ret => " before your condition!
Also remember to separate the Spell.Cast methods with a comma!
Spell.Cast("Ball Buster"),
Spell.Cast("Nut *****er"),
Spell.Cast("Ball Destroyer")
This should get you started. Remember, when you run into problems, you have a community of developers at your disposal that will answer your questions and help you learn!
Good Luck!