For all the players who ask how this routine performes in Legion. This is only at end game - I have used this routine from the start of 110 until now 862 Resto shaman.
Normal Dungeons - You can easily use this routine as it will do more than fine. even with presets
Heroic Dungeons - The same as above
Mythic Dungeons - This is here where i would recommend you to do some tweaks depending on your gear, since there will come some time where you need your CD at specific times, and cannot rely on a bot to do the job. I manually use all of my CD, and my healing stream totem.
Mythic Plus Dungeons - If you have tweaked the routine a bit with the procentage of spell use (chain heal & Healing surge) And your CD, you should do fine - My best so far is Mythic plus 9 with my 857 Shaman. NO Legendary.
So how is this routine doing in the raid?
And holy shit it performs over all! I have on 95% off all the fights between 250-500k HPS (Highest HPS ever was 634k HPS) depending on the damage income. YOU WILL have the lowest overhealing of all your healers - and in most cases you will be the guy with most dispell, and the one healer who still has mana to spare. The thing is, that the routine does the "Basic" healing PERFECT! But you need to know, when to use your heavy healing shit like Healing tide & Spirit Link and so on. For me, the routine only does the Normal healing so i can concentrate on the fight and moveing. and when big dick damage is comeing i know when to use my CD.
At the moment im the top 1 healer in the guild, sharing it with our insane Resto druid. but other than him, none of our other healers come close to us. And we cleared 7/7 HC in the second week of raid release.
So if you wonder if this routine will performe? IT WILL!