Heya, recently bought your cr to use for my enhancement shaman with Enyo and working very well so far but had a few questions to make it perfect.
I got "use CL and LB as filler" and use it at 3 stacks, the weird thing is that after it cast a LB with 3 stacks it will sometimes immediately cast another LB with 0 stacks.
basically it still thinks i got 3 MS stacks when its casting lightning bolt so it casts it again.
Also is it possible to toggle the use of Chain Lightning with a hotkey, because sometimes the bot will detect enemies but they wont be in CL range but it will still use it.
(not 100% sure what the "AvoidAOEkey" is supposed to do having been testing it alot)
Also noticed some rotation things that are wrong (I am not god tier shaman so i gues I could be wrong)
It's prioritizing Lava lash over stormstrike? should be the otherway around (single target)
Its also casting and refreshing flame shock without the buff "unleash flame" from unleash elements.
and have to ask are you going support the new Echo talent I know it makes the rotation alot more complicated but it such a good talent.
Sorry for wall of text and keep up the good work.