Current Gear (got 3 553 items yesterday):
Glyphs: Penance/weakened soul/holy fire
Settings attached. But like I said I only changed the playercount for the AoE heals. Cascade/Holy Nova
Of course I only reach 15-20k HPS in heal intensive fights. Like I said, Norushen or Protectors.
It is really funny because no raid wants to take me with them.
Yesterday I got in a HC raid and they were like "528 ilvl? kick him". But I told them that I can handle it and they should have a try.
I was on rank 1 in every. single. fight.
But Malkorok I had to heal by hand. The CC currently goes crazy if someone has low hp but a green shield, spams flashheals.
Imho @ Malkorok you should mainly use PoH / Cascade. If shields are green you can go back to normal routine (smite/heal/shield singletarget).
I can post some recount data later.