The rotation stopped working on Kazzak and I can't figure out why.
Seems there is some loop on using hearthstone: looks strange because never seen this issue: try disable hearthstone usage temporarly and let me know. I will investigate.
My char is not using any kind of dispel or interruption.
From log file i can see you did not enable the autointerrupt: <AutoInterrupt>False</AutoInterrupt>
about dispell i need more information about witch dispell you need that CR did not perform because i log file i can see CR use purify to dispell player:
[12:55:08.214 N] 08:214 my HP% 100 MANA% 87.22 PURIFY: Lvl 100 Horde Warrior
[12:56:00.551 N] 00:551 my HP% 67.22 MANA% 95.21 PURIFY: Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight
[12:56:22.490 N] 22:490 my HP% 70.65 MANA% 88.23 PURIFY: Lvl 100 Horde Hunter
[12:56:55.208 N] 55:208 my HP% 100 MANA% 85.77 PURIFY: Lvl 100 Horde Warrior