Hey Atillio!
First off, fantastic routine. I've been using it for the first few weeks of BRF and It's been working great. Thanks!
However I'm not entirely sure how to set it up. I've just stepped into mythic and I've been dropping steadily in percentiles (rankings, I end up between 40-75 % most of the time)as we've been progressing through it. Would anyone care to share their settings that work well in mythic progression? I keep feeling like i should be able to pull alot more out of the routine (with my ilvl being 693) but i just can't get my head around on how to tune it perfectly. Any help would be appreciated.
Try enabll PoM on CD: (set hp to 100% and useonlyOnTank to false)
If you mainly tank healing then take Clarity and mantain always up on tank (set hp to 100% on tank)
If you are not only tank healing then use WordsOfMending and push hard with shield (set to 80% at least)
Remember that i introduced a new option to disable use of athonement when archangel is up so if you will use this option ensure to increase the value for NormalHealing with heal at 95% for example.
Remember to set correctly the T17 proc values (according to your mana pool)
These tuning can bring you 25% more total healing.
If you say you never run out of mana, then just enable shield spam on the whole raid.
But for everybody else we have to manage our mana.
To get the most healing possible with the mana we we have this is the prio.
Atonement only for archangel.
1. Shield set to 95.
Atonement heal
2. Penance 85
3. Flash heal 50
Normal heal
2. Penance 90
3. Flash heal 60
cascade 80/5
Holy nova 90/6
PoH 85/4
clarity only on tanks, 100.
I experimented a lot with PoM but in the end I find it better to simply disable it.
PoM works better with the holy build.
I find I get the best total sustainable output without PoM.
So I stick to the spells that benefits from mastery and then go all out on that.
If you have more mana than needed, you could argue to enable it but i would rather cast some more PoH then.
You will likely get higher hps with WoM talent but you are really just sniping heals from the other healers. So it wont help the raid.
I love when my users doing some costructive discussions!
Just wish to focus your attention on stats: CRIT VS MASTERY
I think best throughput depends not only on fight type but also on wich talent stats you use.
I feel like im getting in game lag using this CR with Enyo. Anyone else?
I am also on certain fights (blast furnace mainly.. around phase 2) 80fps to 10fps
Hi guys, First of all Thanks attilio76 for this amazing CR always top heal
-just wanted to share my own configuration for this CR as a PVE disc priest but I don't know if i can just post it here or it's against the rules, I can send it anyway if anyone PS me.
-After re configuring this CR for more than 40 times i finally got the best config for BRF mythic =D with 0 mana issue
-currently I'm 7/10 BRF mythic by running this CR with 0 mana issues "Always above 30% til the end of the fight" no Blanking for the shields or anything, average heal 49K -59K "More on AOE heals fights" HPS for 685 ilvl.
- ran it with "Clarity of will (recommended)" and "Words of Mending" both working like a charm =).
Thanks attilio76 again and please tell me if it's okay to post it here so i can post it ^^ I'm new for these kind of things.