Is nice on demand... for this reason you can enable and disable via Hotkey.
Disci raid by Kagame.xml
been kicked a lot today as My Disc Priest seems to have taken to pulling everything in site and oh how tanks dislike that ...
Using Enyo and Kagame settings, please advise as its getting me bad rep lol
Just healed highmaul normal 7/7 normal as disc ilvl 629, did an avg, hps of 20-27k no mana problems, i did turn save mana on, and was low at the end of some fights, but never realy any problem since i had pots to use still...
i used the config :
ty so much for this CC <3
You are welcome, I worked hard on my settings! New ones are gonna be pushed out soon as well so stay tuned for Kagame settings vs 2.0!
Ok I have a request, well a few actually.
When you enable or disable shield blanket it, have it say its enabled or disabled like it does when you pause and un-pause the bot in raid chat
Have a search feature. So say I want to change settings on PW Shield, I can type in PS Shield and it will only show the settings for PW Shield
With PW Shield Blanket, have an option to set the number of MAX shields you want out at one time
just bought it ,amazing cr keep it up<3
really good suggestions, specially enabling and disabling PW:S
You already have this option: Just enable ChatMessage in settings (default is disabled!)
Please before any request read release note.
I have it enabled but when it comes to PW Shield blanket it does not post it in game chat for me
attilio are you planning/working on a Holy Paladin cc? The priest cc is amazing and I would love a same quality cc for paladinI remember in Pandaria you had one..
yes i'm working on it: hope to release a beta in middle of gen.
yes i'm working on it: hope to release a beta in middle of gen.