does someone else have sometimes troubles that Honorbuddy freezes when using this routine - while running the routine i want to change some settings the settings window is gone in a moment - and i can not do anything - CR dont quit work...
when i close HB at task manager. and i try to restart i get an error that i am not logged in the world. have to close WOW - start again and then HB is working again.
this only happens with this routine ...
maybe you have any suggestions....
does someone else have sometimes troubles that Honorbuddy freezes when using this routine - while running the routine i want to change some settings the settings window is gone in a moment - and i can not do anything - CR dont quit work...
when i close HB at task manager. and i try to restart i get an error that i am not logged in the world. have to close WOW - start again and then HB is working again.
this only happens with this routine ...
maybe you have any suggestions....
yes i saw exactly this shit as well, just this happens very rarely, setting windows disappears from screen, but its like still present, so you cannot do anything in main HB window, this is resolved only by exiting WoW and killing HB
I just had to post to say holy crap. What a great routine! It is /awesome/. It even made me a sandwich. It far exceeds expectations but I did have to download one of the xml settings files from the first post to get it to cooperate, and even then had to fiddle a bit since it was letting the tank die as it DPS'ed the boss. Anyway, I turned off Atonement completely and I'm happy. Two things:
1. It makes a lot of noise. By this I mean there is never any errors/problems BUT it makes a clicking sound like when HB is trying to cast something but can't find a target. Is it trying to do too many things? It still works despite this so I'm not fussed about it.
2. It seems to react kind of oddly to "Oh Shit" moments. Instead of the instant-cast PW:S when a Tank takes alot of dmg, it slowly casts Clarity of Will. CoW is more shield but in heroics um...yeah, need the instant protection THEN the CoW. Just a thought.
OTHERWISE...I absolutely love this and can't complain at all. WELL worth my cash.
In my opinion any CR has his own pro and con. Any developer try do his best to guarranty the best CR.Could anyone tell me how this CR preforms in comparison to OracleII, and/or Soapbox?
Great CR. Tested it and Oracle II for free trials, then bought this one. Just find this one seems compatible and more configurable for active CR.
I have a question, what bot base should we use for Proving Grounds? I tried a bunch, simply never heals the NPCs at all.
Also, some of those profiles on the main page, well they are out of date and kick up a bunch or errors when loaded. Perhaps removing them would be a good idea?
Im a big user of Oracle 2, and I just tried this CR (trial) and it does seem a little more fluent in the way it handled all aspects of healing, especially for Disc priests. The only thing that is weird, is that I use Enyo, and when I pause via Enyo, this CR keeps going. I understand I can turn off OOC healing, but I dont want to do that. Really good CR, and I may end up purchasing this one. Will use it over the weekend and make my decision.
right now a I have a message that honorbuddy is not working any more during using your routine.
First was shadow Spec:
1. Fishing Daily in Nagrand
2. Daily with Mounts in Nagrand and Arak
Changed spec to disc
3. went to Gorgrond to do daily
4. accepted group invite - finished daily - all worked fine with healing.
-- Honorbuddy closed with error
Took a look at my Log file and saw that nothing been logged from healing - a lot of Errors in Shadow spec
pls take a look at the log file...
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