Firstly loving the work attilio76, been using it for around 6months so paid when you released king wow 2.
Hopefully you can help me out.
Posted this in support section but CodenameG, said as third party routine would have to post here I guess.
Although I can't see a section for Singular, was under impression that was part of Honorbuddy myself.
And I get the same issue with both routines.
So my issue is with combat routines not casting Waterbolt: i.e with my Water Elemental. (But only on a certain account)
Both Singular & King WoW (paid version)
If using King WoW the water elemental does make use of Freeze but not Waterbolt.
Singular will not use either.
Using combat bot, if click start and try to manually click waterbolt it still will not cast. if stop HB then I can manually cast waterbolt fine.
Actually It did if I hit it a large number of times.
Things to note:
It worked fine before new 6.0.2 wow patch & new HB release for patch
Using same pc win 7 64bit, same installation of WoW and same installation of HB
But using another blizzard account and a different mage both Singular & King WoW work perfectly fine for casting Waterbolt
Both blizzard accounts are configured the same as best I can tell.
I was unsure if wow Game settings related or HB issue, so tried below so far:
Booted laptop with win 8.1: updated wow to 6.0.2 patch and fresh install of HB and found exact same problem.
If use 1 blizz account with mage works fine but when log other account with different mage the waterbolt from water elemental will not cast using either Singular or King wow
Also tried following on PC
Uninstalled HB and fresh install
Deleted cache, WTF and add-on folders for wow.
also deleted the bossland & blizz stuff from AppData\Local etc
oh and I also deleted the king wow settings, so by default it should be using pet and pet freeze
Have I completely missed a setting somewhere, Open to suggestions ?